It's Been Awhile in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014

  • March 6, 2014, 1:17 a.m.
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Haven't written in a while... it is actually because I got fairly sick.
Friday night I was randomly invited out to a birthday party of some friends... it was cool to be invited to hang out with some "cool people" and I got to catch up with a lot of former law students that had already graduated. Unfortunately, they confirmed two rather pressing fears. Many of them had gotten divorced. Law School exists to change you and intelligence, quick thinking, decision making, and communication become INFINITELY more important... a lot of marriages can't take that strain. Many of them, also, had not been able to secure employment of the legal kind. Clerkships, Associates positions, fucking File Monkeys... nothing. NOT a good sign. But it does fall in line with what a lot of research has suggested lately. EVEN THOUGH when the economy turns sour; crime goes up, bankruptcy goes up, foreclosures go up, contract disputes go up.... even though Lawyering is (on paper) recession-proof.... it is "Retirement Fueled." Meaning... if a law firm has 10 attorneys, 4 of whom are past 80... in an economy that threatens their ability to retire... they just won't. So... instead of getting 4 new attorneys a job... the 80 year olds at the firm keep working until they feel comfortable retiring. And this problem has been with us since 2008... so.... there really is a market of about 6 years (or more) of attorneys waiting for people to die/retire.

Anyway, Friday night I started feeling feverish and was down with a terribly bad cold all weekend. I'm still feeling the affects and have been absolutely dragging all week. I feel like I could constantly use a very thorough nap that stretches subtly into a long sleep. However, this week is a big week for my Legal Organization and it should be a big week in my bar application. Legal Org we have recruitment... TODAY. So, I get to do the Invocation Prayer, History of the Law, and host a nice catered dinner. Then hopefully, I'll get to sneak out a little early to join my mates for the last half of a pub quiz. I absolutely adore trivia and would hit a pub quiz every day if I could. Issue with the bar application, though, is I am still waiting for the letter I need from a single professor. I need the letter, I want to stay on good terms with the professor- but I absolutely think I should either start nagging ("reminding" her) or just ask another professor. I mean, this application has to be notarized and sent out by the 18th!

Other than that, Spring Break is next week. For a law student, Spring Break means but one thing: Reading. Our classes give us daily assignments of several hundred pages per day, plus other "turn in" type of work... so, wisely managing time the best we can... we focus on the "turn in" work and catch up on the thousands of pages of reading during the Spring Break. I have a great deal of work to do as the only class I am concerned about, I understand very little. It is Business Arbitration... or, in other words, why you MAY be able to say Fuck Off Verizon but will never win against Apple. My big hope though is I do wish to see some family. My father is away on business all month, so I wouldn't be able to see him no matter what... but it would be marvelous to see my mother, brother, sister-in-law or niece. I do so miss being close to family out here at law school but... sacrifices had to be made.

To end because I somewhat need to keep my hands moving right now to keep me awake (yes, a necessary Law School trick. If you can take notes well, it doesn't matter if you're awake enough to hear the lecture- at least you will have the information you need written down).... but to keep my hands moving and me awake, I will steal portions of a survey that was completed by a friend of mine. Of course, I will substitute her answers for my own.

What is your age? 29.... until Free Comic Book Day when I turn 20

Marital Status? Married

Dream Date? My Perfect Honeymoon... my wife loves to ski, so we'd start in Colorado at a Ski Resort... somewhere I could learn, she could enjoy and- while I was nursing my injuries, I could curl up by a roaring fire and read... then off to the United Kingdom to enjoy London Pubs and Shows, visit Ireland and do a proper landscape tour.... go to Japan with a visit to Tokyo, Akihabara, Jinbocho and visit some museums, temples, and historical sites... finally ending in Bermuda, land of my people, and just lounge on the beach and drink Dark & Stormy's. So.. yes. My dream date costs a fortune and would take no less than a full month.

Do you like animals? I LOVE animals. I want lots of dogs and a horse... but we'll see if that ever happens.

What is your favorite thing about the opposite sex? Oh my. As far as a "Wow, gorgeous" reaction- face structure, eyes, and hair! Above the neck is the way to show how "pretty" you are. Below the neck? L.E.G.S and fashion.

Least favorite thing about the opposite sex? Judgmental behavior in relation to my interests, appearance, height, and behavior. I'm bothered by it whenever someone passes judgment on me based on a cursory once over; but it happens more often with the opposite sex than it does with other men.

If you could win something OTHER THAN THE LOTTER what would it be? I know I'm not in the industry and likely won't ever be... but I'd love to win an Eisner Award. If I can't win an Eisner Award... I'd settle for (if/when) I build my dream investment building.... part dance club/bar part coffee shop/comic book store.... that it would win some sort of community appreciation award.

You win the lottery- what are the first 3 things you buy yourself? Assuming the lottery win was "Infinity Trillion Dollars".... I'd have to say first, I'd pay off my entire 3L class' student loans; then I'd establish a charity to help the working poor (cuz that problem is pissing me off to no end), then lastly... I'd try to build my dream house... the one I've had in sketched out piece-meal blueprints forever.

What is your favorite smell that is not perfume/cologne? It is tough to say but... the smell of a well preserved cello... the way the wood smells just gets to me

What is the one thing you wish you could go back and change? Mostly- my dedication to acting. If I could go back in time and convince myself to focus on a career earlier, I may have been able to go straight from college to law school... gotten into a better law school... and have actually started my practice by now.

What is your biggest accomplishment, other than education? Performance awards... I was published several times before I was 20 and I was part of a Grammy Award winning orchestra when I was 15

Do you like your job? My current part-time gig is a joke. I like it okay, because I get paid a minimum of 3 hours no matter how long the shift actually is; but what I do doesn't matter, doesn't need to get done, and doesn't do anything for anybody.

What magazine(s) would most likely appear on your coffee table? Newsweek, Time, National Geographic, Popular Science

More important: nice television or nice furniture? Television! My father, my brother and I often lay on the floor anyway... plus, my wife and I are big TV/Movie people.... so television

More important: money or looks? MONEY! This question isn't even that pragmatic because money buys looks... trust me, I grew up in a very wealthy neighborhood... it takes $$$ to look as bangable as some of those 59 year old housewives

More important: good face or good body? Good face!! I keep telling my wife this, but she apparently has her own issues. Fat will come and go. Bodies change throughout a lifetime. But if you can find someone whose eyes you want to look into every day... the eyes never change. The face around them might, but the eyes never do.

Would you rather celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving? This one is really tricky for me. I love Halloween... I do, full CosPlay acceptance by the outside world- yes please. But I'd have to say Thanksgiving. Seriously, I love my family. If there is a holiday with an expectation of gathering all of my father's side together- that is where I want to be.

Do you prefer blondes or brunettes? I'm a butt on this one for a lot of reasons. To answer the question in its binary form- brunettes. HOWEVER, women changing their hair color to stay trendy is stupid. Your skin tone, your face structure, your hair length and volume, your hair health... all of these things contribute to what color looks best on a person. There are some women I prefer blonde because it just looks better on them. But, if I were to be entirely honest- my two favorite hair colors would have to be Raven (the almost blue-black found in Asian cultures) or Ginger Red (the flame orange found in Irish cultures)

What do you wish someone would do for you? Encourage my wife to get the help she/we need

Ohio State or Michigan? Michigan, definitely

California or Florida? California, hands down. Both states are crazy-insane about the law; but at least California isn't as muggy!

Hot or Cold? Cold.... my go to is always: you can always put on more layers, but there is only SO naked you can get.

Would you rather be deaf or blind? BLIND!!! My ears are so important to me. Communication is important, music is important. And... to be honest... sounds and the voice are sexier to me than lingerie and a body.

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