Omg the funniest shit just happened - did I get hacked? in LOL
- Aug. 25, 2019, 11:46 a.m.
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That was a bloody tough week at work - glad it’s over.
When I went on one of my breaks, I checked my phone and noticed it was on this page.
Naturally, I was like ‘WTF?’ so I quickly got out of it. I don’t even drink whiskey. How the hell my phone decided to try and pocket-order that, I do not know, considering I have to unlock my phone with my fingerprint to even use it. I keep my phone in my left pant pocket and grab all the things I need to use from my right pocket (knife, pen etc).
I am in and out of fridges and freezers all day, so I do wonder if that affects my phone. I don’t even really think about it, figuring it’s okay in my pants pocket, and the phone works perfectly fine whenever I use it normally on my breaks.
Then tonight, I get home from work and I’ve been home for a few hours now, and I get a notification…
I have apparently ORDERED this.
When I saw it, I immediately thought, “Oh this is a phishing email for sure”, but I went into Ebay, my Paypal account and my banking app and the money has definitely been taken out.
According to the ebay app, this was purchased at 3:04pm on August 24th. The time on the first screen-shotted picture of the whiskey was 4:05pm, which means it COULD have been trying to order it roughly an hour earlier along with this shit.
I have a couple of questions. Downing 2 bottles of straight cinnamon whiskey when I’m up the duff - is that a good idea, or yeah-nah? Also, I am incredibly thankful that the transaction was only $2 and nothing extravagant was ordered instead! I’ve checked and double-checked and it is the only transaction ‘pending’ in my account.
It just doesn’t make any sense and I am completely confused as to how this has happened. My phone has not only opened the ebay app or website and logged me in, it’s ORDERED me a PFD file VIA my paypal, which also needs login details to access and then purchase.
My first thought was that I’ve been hacked for sure - this just doesn’t make any sense. I filled in a report form on PayPal and just stated, “I did not order this item”. I know it’s only $2 but fuck, what if this isn’t just happening to me? A very weird coincidence to be charged $2. I also changed my PayPal password, but I may have to change others too. I’m going to be keeping an eye on my account the next few days that’s for sure lol.
Something interesting happened to me this morning right before I woke up, or as I nodded back off to sleep because I woke up too early. I noticed myself snoring lightly, and I even noticed it was throat-based, not nasal. I have never been in that conscious/subconscious state to catch it before. It was very strange. I’ve been very in-touch my my senses this week. I know I sound all philosophical but yesterday in particular, I was walking home after my late shift and gym (so, about 9:15pm) and I kept noticing bright flashing lights. I get that’s possible given the amount of lights there are on the streets at that hour of the day, but I clearly noticed it on four different occasions - a bright flash of light in front of my eyes each time. I only caught what one of them was, and it was an electronic billboard which happened to which from a darkened background advert to a bright white background one, but the others I’m unsure of. When I got home, I sat on the couch and looked outside and thought to myself, “If I see a shooting star tonight, I’ll think I’m crazy.” I didn’t, which I was kind thankful for. But I mean, how random. And you know from my previous entries about my sex-life. My orgasms have been especially intense lately. I definitely notice these things are out of the ordinary.
Maybe I’m figuring myself out. Maybe I am going insane.
Anyway, so I’m waiting to hear back from PayPal. Maybe they can tell me if an outside source has hacked my account or if it really was me. The reason I mentioned the catching-myself-snoring thing (how attractive!) is that it did cross my mind today ‘What if I DID order that subconsciously?’ - maybe I’m a sleep-walking online shopper? :P
But that can’t be right because the time’s don’t add up. What’s confusing me if that even if I did have a webpage open on my phone in my pocket, how the fuck did it log into both apps (ebay and paypal) with my username and passwords AND order a PDF file worth $2, which is apparently being delivered to my address? And who sends a PDF file via the post??
I. Am. So. Confused.
I did give myself a huge belly-laugh just before though thinking about what it did decide to order on my behalf. I was in the shower and full-on laughing like RuPaul does when he finds something hilarious - a total “hee-HEE!’ moment.
I guess it’s good to laugh.
Apparently I don’t even need to know what to expect, as my phone has that covered too. I just have to shot two bottles of cinnamon whiskey and the baby will be fine!
Tom did tell me I’m probably preggers, and it looks like he was right all along.
crunchie ⋅ August 25, 2019
Haha the universe is definitely trying to tell you something and get you prepared for it. Speaking from experience (mum of 2 kids) I’d ditch the book and keep the whiskey 😂
TL ⋅ August 25, 2019 (edited August 25, 2019)
My friend's father in law had his phone hacked. You can't tell from looking at it. Whoever did it started uploading inappropriate photos onto his social media. You should look into how to protect your phone or what to do if it is hacked. Also, are you seeing UFO's??? D:
Ferret Mom ⋅ August 25, 2019
Sooo... pregnant women should be ordering whiskey to drink? Yeah, that makes sense.
One time somebody hacked me and got my credit card number. The credit card company noticed suspicious activity, called me and asked if I had just booked a hotel room in Atlanta and bought a surfboard in California (I live in Chicago). Um, no.
KissOfLife! Ferret Mom ⋅ August 26, 2019
Yikes, good catch! Long way to catch some 'Z's' after your surf though :P
kmh. ⋅ August 27, 2019
Haha laughing at Aurora's comment!!