Belgium, Ukraine and the Oscars in blackpropaganda
- March 2, 2014, 10:49 a.m.
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We have been trying to catch up with the Belgian mystery/police series on BBC4 on a Saturday night, Salamander - because we were busy or away - we recorded the first three weeks - six episodes - four and a half hours tv - and then had to try to watch it this week before seeing last night's two episodes live. We just did it - seeing episodes 5 and 6, finishing just before episodes 7 and 8 started. So over three hours of solid police stuff to watch. Not quite up to the Scandinavian standard, but well done - and with a photogenic hero detective who comes through unscathed - although his wife gets blown up!
So two more weeks to go - and lots more plot turns to go - and will the belgian state survive - well rather better than Ukraine at the present moment.
Any schoolboy knows that the Crimea was Russian - and expected to stay under Russian power when ceded to the Ukraine in the Cold War in 1954 - no wonder Russia is making sure its Black Sea fleet is in good hands - imagine the US finding one of its facilities in the the world might be compromised - straight in!
Anyway, while we wait to see what will happen - and all the western leaders are powerless to intervene - whatever happened to the floods?
And does anyone really care who wins an Oscar tonight?
Answers on a postcard please
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