Some nights .... in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • March 2, 2014, 6:01 a.m.
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Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck

Some nights I call it a draw

Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle

Some nights I wish they'd just fall off

- Some Nights - FUN.

I came so close to quitting work this morning. AndIdomeanthisclose. Once again it was over the schedule and my lack of hours.

It's bad enough that I was promised Friday nights off. Out of 9 Friday nights, I have had a total of 3 off. And not all back to back.

My last scheduled Friday/Saturday off, the ONE FUCKING SATURDAY A MONTH I AM GRANTED TO SPEND WITH MY FAMILY WHILE EVERYONE ELSE GETS EVERY WEEKEND, I had to work day shift so that Tami could go 6 hours up the road to spend 4+ days with her kids/grandkids.

For over a week I have been telling her I desperately need 4 or more days a week, each week, because we have to pay the IRS federal taxes and our car/truck taxes are due in April also. Let's not forget, I'm supposed to be getting 4 days anyway seeing as I have been here for 9 months and Shelia & Jimena have only been here 6 & 4 months. But, enough about that dead horse.

So this morning Tami actually comes in to work before I leave at 7. After turn over she turns to me and says, "So I was finally able to get you a 4th day." So I said, "Great! But I didn't see that on the schedule." I reach over to grab the schedule to look at it again. That's when she tells me, "Actually it is working the audit shift at {sister hotel} on Wednesday nights each week. Will that work for you?"

I just stood there, with a stupid look on my face I am sure. Once I got over the shock, I informed her, "Actually no it doesn't because my doctor is pissed enough at me that I am having to miss one dose of my meds each week. There is no way my body can handle skipping a 2nd dose." That's when she interrupted me to ask what I meant. After explaining the consequences, reasons why, I then went on to say, "But if you want to work me straight through Tuesday nights so that I'm not having to skip a dose, then that will work." Secretly, I was hoping she would agree to that because she would either have to give me Wednesday through Saturday nights off at this hotel or I would be getting 4 nights (Sat - Tue)at this hotel plus an extra day at the sister hotel for a total of 5 days a week. She didn't agree and said she would call the sister hotel and ask them if I could work Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays. But then I reminded her that I work Tues when I actually have a Sat. off at this property and she said she would change that to Wednesday nights.

So then I made a comment about how for whatever reason she can't seem to find me 4 days a week when it was never a problem before and she looked at me and said, "You used to have 4 days? I didn't know that."

Talk about bat shit crazy? My mouth dropped open and I looked at her and said, "You're kidding me right? Where the hell have you been every schedule conversation we have had? I've told you every damn time that I was only supposed to be weekend audit/3 days until The Child's sports was done in Dec and then I was supposed to go back to 4 days with ample weekends off to spend with my family."

"I don't ever remember you saying anything like that." she says.

All I could do was put my hands on my hips, look up at the ceiling and silently count to ten. I made it to 50 when I looked back at her and started recounting when I was hired, who I replaced and why, and every employee hired/fired and why after me and then I said, "And you can pull out the time cards to verify that I am telling you the truth, especially when I say I was getting 4+ days a week, PLUS more than one lousy Saturday a month to spend with my family. I was getting at least 2 complete weekends a month off."

I then went on to say, "I know you weren't part of the deal Rachel & I had made. All she was doing was accommodating me with The Child's evening sports schedule, the same way she accommodated Ruth with her 2nd job/school/sports schedule, the same way she accommodated Nikki with her DSS visitations with her 3 kids, the same exact way you are accommodating Jimena with her school/sports schedule. I was supposed to go back to normal 4 nights a week at the end of Dec. after The Child's last basketball game. But then Rachel was fired and every time you have asked me, and every time I have told you, I am completely ignored under the pretense that I am lying and trying to screw my fellow co-workers. Which, actually, I am the one being screwed by not being allowed to spend time with my family. For a "family orientated" business, if my name isn't Shelia, my name is mud. I've never gotten special treatment, nor have I ever requested special treatment. I want to be treated as fairly as everyone else is being treated with the exception that I have been here months longer than the last 2 hired employees."

I did manage to thank her for going through the trouble of getting me the extra night at the sister hotel, even though it is a huge inconvenience for me to do so but I would gladly work it until she is able to get me back my 4th night at this property.

Before I left, she also informed me that I could not have any of the time off I requested for July so that we could go home (1st half to Ohio, 2nd half to SC) and that no one would be allowed time off for July or August. But I was more than welcome to work till the end of June if I felt that strongly about going home but they would have to replace me if I did so. In other words, when I leave, don't come back, Bitch. So it looks like that is what I will do. I'll tough it out here till the end of June, then quit, and look elsewhere when I come back in August.

Hubby hasn't been home to see any of his family since Dec. of 2010 (his parents visited us in OK & we saw them this past summer when exchanging The Child with them) and I haven't been home since Dec. 31, 2011. I need to go say goodbye to my Daddy, if he can last till July, and The Child has been begging to go back so she can see everyone. I'm not giving up the chance to go to Ohio and SC because of this hotel with it's minimum wage job. I'll have been here a year by June 7th so that is fine with me.

I'm fairly confident that the closer to July it gets, the harder it will be to get the whole month off if I go to a different job at this point. So I'll just suffer this place till then.

Once we get past April with paying all the damn taxes, I'll save up for her karate camp in June and our traveling expenses for July. Hopefully by July Hubby will have settled with his workman's comp about his thumb that he broke this past July and had surgery on. Depending on how much he gets, it will depend on how quickly I will need to find a new job in August. If we get enough to pay off the car (only 2 more years left), then that will be enough that I technically wouldn't have to go back to work, or I could afford to work only 2 or 3 days a week. But, that's just me, putting the cart before the horse.

Anyway, I'm tired of talking about this damn job.

I got an early Christmas gift tonight when I came in to work. All the football players were kicked out this morning. No more babysitting, no more fussing at them for slamming doors in the middle of the night, no more having to fuss at them about being grown ass men who are capable of being responsible enough to remember to grab their room key before leaving the room. Pure and utter bliss the night time quiet can be. I had almost forgotten how nice it is.

Funny story ... the checked into the hotel that I had been contacted by right before New Years but then they ended up having a hiring freeze. I don't think they could offer me enough incentives to go work there now while the football players are there. No thank you. Been there, done that, still have the residual headache to show for it.

As with much of the USA, we are getting slammed with the winter storm. We were supposed to start out with freezing rain/sleet early Sat evening and then switch over to snow sometime after midnight. yeah. We started getting the snow at noon on Saturday. Only good thing I can find in all this is that the further east the storm travels, the more snow you people will get compared to us. snickers

Till next time ....

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