Dead lifeboats in the sun in Hello.

Revised: 07/06/2019 12:28 a.m.

  • July 5, 2019, 4:13 p.m.
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I don’t know if I’ve said that Belle has finished school forever. But she has! She had her last GCSE about three weeks ago now. I’m trying to get her to keep her days in synch, but it’s not working. She’s sleeping past lunchtime and just eating junk food while John and I are at work. Last night she was downstairs at 11pm trying to make a coffee. I told her she couldn’t, she could have fruit and water instead, but she still flounced off to bed instead. :/ She won’t do any chores unless specifically asked either. I allowed her a little r and r time, it would be nice if she just spent half an hour out of her busy sleeping/watching Police, Camera, Action schedule to do something. I used to start on dinner for my parents coming home when I was her age!
I’m still enjoying my job. I think I’ve finally got my script fine honed. To begin with it was clunky as I was trying to figure out what worked, but now I think I have it. I’ve even started throwing little extra facts in there, as I’ve been doing a bit of my own research as I’m finding it fascinating! Yep, I’m turning into a whisky nerd. Now I need to start drinking the stuff! 😆 (Not that I’ve ever disliked whisky, but it’s something we seem to save for special occasions.)
Today was especially nice. I was getting ready to take my tour, and I still take my clipboard with my script, just in case someone asks me an awkward question like the capacity of the washbacks or something. (Why would you need to know that?!) I reached around my colleague, Jan, and she said “come on, you don’t need that do you? What do you need that for?!” I said “it’s my comfort blanket and my shield”
“You’ve been here ages now, you sound as if you know the script anyway.”
“I’ve only been here a month, Jan, I’m still picking things up!”
“Have you? Wow, it feels like you’ve always been here, you just slotted right in, a proper good fit.”
Needless to say, I took that tour with a grin on my face!
Then one of the waiting staff said something similar, that I sound dead confident when she hears me doing my talks. And THEN, I was in the kitchen at the back of the shop, getting some samples ready, when the head chef, Rob’s boss, came in and started gushing about Rob, saying what a good lad he is, an asset to the team, he’s got real potential and he’ll be a brilliant sous or even head one day. I went back in the shop and told my colleague I’d just had a parent’s evening in the kitchen! 😆
Right, it’s 6.30am, I’d best get up. I’m travelling down to Shellie’s house and she’s taking us to Milton Keynes to see Rammstein tonight! I’m so excited! I need to try on the outfit I’m thinking of wearing, I’m going Steampunk. I don’t care that I’m a fat, middle aged woman, I’m going to have fun!

Last updated July 08, 2019

Canadian Lass July 06, 2019

I want pics of the outfit!!! XD

Babe In Toyland Canadian Lass ⋅ July 07, 2019


Canadian Lass Babe In Toyland ⋅ July 07, 2019

D's Jello over the concert pics. lol

Babe In Toyland Canadian Lass ⋅ July 07, 2019

It was amazing. There's clips on YouTube too. Milton Keynes.

Canadian Lass Babe In Toyland ⋅ July 07, 2019

might be TOO cruel to tell him bout those :'D

Lucretia July 08, 2019

Hope that Rammstein were utterly amazing!

Glad you're enjoying the new job and that you're such a good fit too! You definitely need to get on the whisky train. It's never not time for whisky!

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