Exciting times in Hello.

  • Feb. 28, 2014, 3:12 a.m.
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...or not. This is what I've been on with. Working in Barnardos. A LOT! My poor boss is being stretched to her limit, working other branches, interviewing and trying to squeeze in holidays, hence I'm working a lot more than the 2 days I was taken on for. I don't mind, I'd rather work extra days, then drop back down to 2 than do 4 or 5 days a week, every week. We can manage with me doing two days, any extra time I'm getting paid for is an added bonus. The other day I was working with my boss for the first time in what seemed like AGES! We had a proper good conversation. I feel less anxious around her now. She IS lovely, but she's a stickler for us getting things just right. Now that I know that and I'm doing things to her standard, I'm not having quite so many "little chats". Now she just goes "Sonja, you haven't signed this! You're sacked! And you didn't put this away! You're sacked again!" This happens several times a day and she feigns being upset that I don't actually either go, or sack her back.

She really is a lovely lady. And a good boss. I've realised now that because the boss, me and my colleague NEVER work together any more, if either of us do anything wrong, she will tell us both that it's wrong. She said she doesn't like blaming anyone for doing anything in particular, so if it's wrong, we both need to know. I'm glad, because she did that shortly after I started and I thought I was going to get sacked for real. :/

She also thanks and praises us constantly. Whenever we do something good, she'll make us sit down and tell us how much she appreciates what we're doing. I've never had a boss do that before and it makes me want to cry every time she does it. We've already had several boxes of chocolates and biscuits off her, Just Coz.

I'm also busy with the cross stitch kits. I need to be cracking on with those, actually, dad's coming to pick them up at 4. It's a good little job, I should get paid for the month today. Unfortunately for me, this month all my cross stitch wages will have gone on my tattoo, but next month I can look into using them for driving lessons.

It's only about 3 weeks till my sponsored walk and I'm yet to do any training. :/ I feel like I've been too busy to do any, and combine that with the chesty cough I've had for about a month now and can't shift, means I haven't been able to squeeze any in. I'm hoping to maybe walk to work a couple of times (about 13 miles) if the flooded lake goes down enough to uncover the footpath.

My tattoo is ITCHY. So itchy. And because it's in a place that moves a lot, not like on the arm or anything, I'm constantly aware of it. Sometimes I just want to give it a good scratch, but I find that if I slap it, that seems to take the itching away.

These cross stitches won't make themselves....

Deleted user February 28, 2014

I'm glad you have such a good boss xx

Daisy Mae February 28, 2014

It's great having such a lovely boss. I like the way she gets her message across in a fun way though it might get a little irritating after a while :) Good to see you here - I'm going to read back and see if there's a photo of your tattoo!

Cinnamon Crisiant February 28, 2014

I want a nice boss, too!

~Twinkle~ February 28, 2014

That's great you are getting on better with your boss :) x

Crystal Apple March 01, 2014

It's so nice having a good but fair boss. The lady I helped at school was so lovely she sounds similar to yours! xxx

Taco Cat March 12, 2014

it's sooo important to have a good boss

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