slashed and plans for appointment in Second 1st

  • June 25, 2019, 1:57 p.m.
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So yesterday didn’t stop at “someone got in Rocky’s trunk” it was much later in the day when Sammy got up and went about his business. He said he had to go to the bank to deposit last nights tips and then he was going to go thrift shopping before work. Well, he didn’t get far. He got out to the main road and had a blow out. He called in a panic didn’t know what to do so I ran out to help. I forgot that I had set the house alarm to stay just after Sammy shut the door. So when I left it set off the alarm. I saw on my phone that the alarm was going off and I disarmed it but by that time it was to late. They had called Rocky to see if it was a false alarm. He didn’t know. So even though I disarmed it and the alarm company knew Rocky had no idea what was going on. I met up with Sammy and advised him where to pull in. He was off the main road but had pulled into a side road and just stopped in the road to check out the tire. “First Sammy, you need to get out of the road”“Thought I was”“No way man. Someone pulls in this road they are gonna hit you hard in the bumper. How about we see if we can air it up enough to get to that parking lot” There is an Arabic Baptist church within 100 feet. However, I looked at his tire and it’s amazing he got as far as he did. Someone took a knife to it for sure. “Hey, there is no airing this so just drive it slowly over and park it there.”

So we looked around for the locking lug nut key and couldn’t find one. He mentioned he had roadside assistance with his warranty package so I had him call it. There was some truth bending because I’ve never had vandalism as a reason to need a tow so we just played it like he had a blow out. Although he needed reassurance a couple of times that it would be okay in the end we don’t have any proof that someone did knife it. As we did not see it happen. As far as we know it was a blowout. Anyways, the Roadside assistance covered a toe to the place he bought it.

I had sent Rocky a message that Sammy’s tire had been sliced and where we were. He had tried to call me twice but due to a series of stupid Sammy was on my phone and I had the address pulled up on his phone. Until the lady asked for the address I couldn’t call him back. I did though as soon as I could. He was in a bit of a panic. Apparently, at work no one came at 2:00 to relieve him so he called down to the store told them the alarm at his house had just gone off and he was unable to get a hold of his wife. They had 5 mins to send someone down or he would have to leave the store unattended. Mind you his clock out time is 2 and he was well within rights. I’m sure they are thinking “how convenient an Emergency at clock out time so he doesn’t have to work over” At the time Rocky thought that someone had broken in while Sammy and I were away with his tire so I don’t blame him for his reaction and I apologized bunches as it was my fault for forgetting I had just turned the alarm ON. Rocky was not upset with me when we got that all worked out.

Knowing Roadside assistance I tried to devise a plan that would have the problem taken care of so after Rocky got there We took his car home and he drove me to a parts store to get a Locking Lug Nut Key..... we never made it though because Sammy texted me that the toe was there. We turned around and by the time we met at the dealership he had just finished signing in for the repair. So we asked the tech.... Are we obligated to get a tire here, how much? and that he did not get a lug nut key when he bought it.

The dealership wanted to charge 155 for the one tire. So we ran over to the closest WM and got a new one for 53 and took it back. By this time it’s 3:45 and the guy tells us “Should be done by 5 ” Sammy had to be to work at 5 so .... we went and got something to eat and made another plan. I’d wait on Sammy’s car. At 4:40 if the car wasn’t done Rocky would take Sammy to work and hang out there. I would drive Sammy’s car to his work and Rocky would be there to drive me home.... all good. Well, Rocky was in a bit of a hurry because he wanted to hit a few classes at the gym. If he can fir 14 classes in in a month he will get a free month of membership so he’s trying. He had planned on getting 4 in 5-7 so he was anxious to leave. He asked the tech how close to done it was and the guy said “Do you want it done right or right now” I said “right” then looked at Rocky “just stick to the plan”.... looked at Tech Ï’ve made a plan and I’ll be waiting inside for the car” He nods and smiles and the guys leave for Sammy’s work. It was 5:20 before the car was done and the tech decided not to charge for the mounting because Ït had taken so long” so that was cool.

The rest of the evening went off fine. I had a meet at 5 I moved till Wednesday same time and I made one that I had at 6. We got home Rocky went to the gym I did my meet and I went to bed.... sort of.... I was up till 9:30 just laying there playing on my phone. Rocky had come home about 7:45 and showered then watched some TV and came to bed just before I fell asleep.

I hadn’t laid down once yesterday and I feel it this morning. Yesterdays stress has met me with fullness and dizziness.... but today is the day I’ll be glad to feel like shit because then I’ll be able to easily describe a bad day and the doctor can see a bad day. It will be later in the day when I see him so it will get worse.... and today that’s good.

Sold one of those Xbox wheels on Ebay yesterday and a blue tooth levitating speaker last night (will go out today). So there are my first 2 ebay sales! That’s exciting. I mean once they review that will be great!.....

We’ve decided that we NEED to get one of the printers running (we have 2 laying around).

Today is the day I go see the doc. So Rocky’s not getting up till at least 10:30 then we will go to therapy at noon. After that head to Nashville and find something to eat. Maybe so Pokemon go/Harry Potter Wizards Unite..... or something else to kill time before my appointment with Dr. Labadie at Vanderbilt at 4:30. They do ask that I be there at 4:10 but I’m sure we will be in the waiting room by 4 anyways. We canceled the Tuesday night thing because of the late appointment. I expect it will be almost 6 when we leave there so we will have to do some dealing with traffic on the way home. I don’t expect to be back till like 8pm.

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