Who is Prosebox? Your survey results in Site Updates (Josh)

  • June 15, 2019, 3:48 a.m.
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Hey everyone,

I wanted to share some of the results that came out of the survey I posted a few weeks ago. There were 512 responses, which is REALLY impressive!! Thanks so much to those of you that filled it out (and a special thanks to those of you that helped with survey typos, ha). I was surprised by some of what came back, and as someone that does user research for a living, that’s always a wonderful feeling. I hope you all enjoy reading through these as much as I did.


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It’s really great to see this line up with the demographics data I get via analytics. You never know how accurate that stuff actually is!

PB and OD
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This really surprised me!! I knew based on what I’ve heard from everyone that the vast majority were former OD members, but 93%!!! That’s an overwhelming number of you. And for so many of you to be PB members since the start? That’s great. I’m so glad you found a home here.

Writing habits

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This is really interesting as well. The vast majority of you have been writing for a long period of time, and you tend to favor comments. That is to say, your prime motivation for visiting Prosebox isn’t necessarily to share, it’s to interact with others. Fascinating. This makes me feel really good about launching comment editing last year!

Overall satisfaction
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Now, this just made me smile. Many of you said in your written feedback that you were happy with how (mostly) stable things have been in the past year (!) since I stepped in, and that you love the site for what it is today. That’s a wonderful testament to what SM built, and makes all of the work I’ve put in feel really rewarding. Love you guys.

And now, my favorite part. Some of these responses were so moving to me, and really made me feel like the work I do is so, so worth doing. Others were really funny! Writers really are the best at this.

Why do you use Prosebox?

“It’s my means of keeping my memories alive, even as I forget them.”

“Writing helps me process my feelings. Connecting with people all over the world is wonderful and makes you feel like we are all so much the same dealing with the same sorts of things just in different places. Some of my best friends are my PB friends.”

“Because if I didn’t my words would be stuck up in my head…or be blurted out, usually at inopportune times”

“I’ve been writing my life in a series of these little white boxes since I was 13… at this point, even though I suck at doing it with any kind of consistency, NOT being able to (or to have this community) would feel like a part of me had stopped breathing.”

“Because it’s cheaper than therapy and easier to access. Because writing helps me process my thoughts and figure out what I really think. Because I like connecting with like-minded strangers, in a way that feels safe. It’s the perspective you can’t get from your real world friends.”

What’s the best thing you’ve gotten out of Prosebox?

“Writing for audience to read without compromising my privacy. Reading about people’s authentic stories – everyone is a good writer when it comes to writing about what they care about the most.”

“Reading about other people’s lives puts my own troubles in perspective.”

“Friendship. I have never met a Prosebox friend in real life, so I sometimes feel as if I have imaginary friends. Imaginary or not, my friends here offer me support when I need it.”

“Continued connection with some of the closest people in my life in a private, supportive environment.”

“It’s a sense of belonging… a safe place, almost like a little internet ‘home’, where you can always come back, no matter how long it’s been. It’s been a way for me to capture my story and keep my memories of different times in my life recorded.

What’s next?

Ugh, who put all of this dust in here? I’M NOT CRYING YOU’RE CRYING.

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More soon.


Last updated February 23, 2023

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