Where you gonna run to? in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014
- Feb. 26, 2014, 1:48 p.m.
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I. Am not. A patient man. Despite waiting for my wife for 842 days (and counting)... I am not a patient man. Waiting for her? That is an act of love, an act of devotion. Most importantly- an act of loyalty.
However, I am not patient. I have significant problems WAITING for things, especially if they are important or urgent. That is where I am with some of my bar stuff. I need to discover speeding tickets which may or may not ever happen. Frankly, I'm to a point right now where I don't care. I'm more than happy to just send in the application with the comment "Speeding ticket, sometime between 2002-2005" and call it a day.
BUT... I'm still waiting on two teachers to send me letters of recommendation. I need those. Then here's how it would go down: I get everything in order for Student Application; send it in overnight special (with a muthafucking $300 application fee).... then a week later, I send in the Formal Application (which involves a mess of costly notarized forms, fingerprint cards, criminal background checks, affidavits and another FUCKING $400 application fee!!!) Thing is- all those are due by April 1st. REALLY irritating thing? All of that... all of that mess, all of that stress, all of that insane cost (Yes, in the end the application process alone will be over $1,000).... all of that is simply TO TAKE A 3 DAY TEST. It won't make me a lawyer, it won't get me a job, it will simply and strictly allow me to take an exam that takes over 24 hours. Pass or fail, all it does is qualify me for the exam. If I fail, I have to do it all over again... have to pay all of that over again... just annoying. And if I pass? It won't get me a job. It won't get me work. It'll simply mean the Legal Organization of the State will allow me to look for work unmolested... and require me to pay the Legal Organization of the State up to $500 a year for the right to practice law.
So busting all that out has taken a lot out of me this week; plus I have a major project due. I've done about 20% of it so far... and I'm exhausted. I'm going to have to force myself to push through in the next few days to finish it but... seriously? This week has been exhausting!! Lord willing, I'll be able to just hit cruise control on everything starting March 7th. Here's hoping
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