Tattoo baby! Edited in Hello.

  • Feb. 26, 2014, 12:53 a.m.
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So I got my second tattoo yesterday! I'd booked it months ago, helped by the voucher that Shellie got me for my birthday. The place I go to is bloody good, one of their artists is so amazing, he keeps getting his work featured all over the internet. This one in particular I've seen a lot of: I was talking to him about it (he was tattooing Helena Bonham Carter on the girl on the next bed along, I was sitting up on my bed facing him, I could hardly ignore him while I was staring at him for 3 hours!) and he told me that particular drawing keeps popping up everywhere and recently a fan sent him an Australian porn magazine with it in! (Something about how having a mechanical arm might be an advantage when ahem pleasuring oneself.)

The bloke who did mine is more traditional in his style. He was telling me that when he was at school, his careers adviser had asked him what he wanted to do when he left school and he said he wanted to be an artist. The careers chappy had said "That's not a real job. You need to pick something a bit more realistic." So he said rock star, got a bollocking for being a time waster and never spoke to him again. He said he really wants to find him and say "Hey, I'm a drummer in a metal band AND an artist. Fool."

Anyway, I went in with a brief, I wanted this, but instead of the raven, I wanted a jay: I wanted a bit of colour n the bird so you see it was a jay (a European one, not an American blue jay). He was going to colour the leaves too, but I thought the bird might 'pop' more if it was the only thing that's coloured. This is the end result: Not the best picture really, you can't see the jay is shaded brown, once it heals I'll take a better photo.

The reason behind this particular design is that it denotes John's name! I don't like the thought of having an actual name on me, personally I think it looks a bit pants and no one ever reads them anyway. No offence intended, that's my personal view.

While I was there, I showed him the tattoo he did on me last year, there was a teeny tiny little hole in the ink that is so miniscule you can hardly see it, but I knew it was there and it bugged me. He also coloured that in for me, even though it went over my allotted time and into his lunch break! I was on cloud 9 when I left. :) When I got home, I realised I couldn't find my Bepanthen anywhere, very nearly put Germolene on it, Googled it and found out Germolene is a big no-no! So it's a bit crispy and painful this morning, I need to go get some nappy cream as soon as the shops open.

Edit: Here is a better picture of the tattoo, you can see the colours better. I hadn't even realised the monocle and chain were in gold!

Waterfire February 26, 2014


Lol, mechanical arm. I can only imagine that's the quickest way to do yourself a mischief....

Mum of Yum February 26, 2014

Looks awesome!!! He's clearly a great artist...perhaps I'll get some new ink when I next visit Emmy!

Babe In Toyland Mum of Yum ⋅ February 26, 2014

Doo iiit! Immortal Art in Carlisle. Well worth the commute! A lot of people swear by the tattoo place in Emmytown, but I don't rate it much. Last night I dreamt Emmy was pregnant and she was getting people to bounce her belly! :/ It sounded like a little ball inside a balloon and she thought it was hilarious. Deary me.

Emmy Lou Babe In Toyland ⋅ February 26, 2014


Babe In Toyland Emmy Lou ⋅ February 26, 2014

Haha, Emmy! You are always on my mind....

Bomb Shell February 26, 2014

Ooh I hate it when people sneer at people who want to be artists, writers, musicians or anything else creative. Sure, it's hard work and a boring office job is more reliable, but everyone should go for what they really love! JK Rowling and Slash were once school children talking to their careers advisors and look at them now. People DO do it, but for some reason most people seem to think it's only some magical mythical creatures that are doing these jobs, when in fact they're just regular people like everyone else!

Daisy Mae February 28, 2014

Wow! That's impressive. Agree with you on the name thing - I really don't like them.

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