Cause it happens I guess in Second 1st

  • June 8, 2019, 1:39 p.m.
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So..... Rocky had gotten on to cleaning the SUV the next day. Then Tuesday we had the people over. They all came, so that was good. No one acted stupid. However, Eddie had brought Katie over and when he introduced her no one seemed to get all excited and he complained about it to Rocky the next day. As if Rocky could do a darn thing about it. Not long after that Kerri and Joseph left and the others followed :) Was about 9:30 because everyone had to work and that’s good for me.

Rocky’s still upset about them not playing.

Because Michele and Blaine can be here so much earlier (4hrs) I think we will roll out characters and try to play a game with them. If I can ever get the junk out of my dining room.

I have put a good dent in it and have 3 meets today. 1) at 9:40 for some linen cocktail napkins. 2) at some time today (she had 5 boys and once they get moving blah blah blah) for a emergency car tool. and 3) “this afternoon” I’m sending her a message around 11 for a time for a set of baby toys. We currently have no envelopes to fill so everything is in profit now. I’ve been making envelopes for each pallet and putting money in them from stuff sold from that pallet. Once that envelope has reached it’s goal (the cost of the pallet) the money goes into other envelopes to pay for them. Once it reaches goal the goal money goes into Rocky’s spending money for another pallet. He’s grounded right now from buying anything till I get the stuff logged (or trashed) that we had in the yard sale. I’m making progress.

I got up late (for me) yesterday (7) and today (6) Rocky thinks it’s a good thing but I think the closer I get to going back to work the worse it is.

Tuesday we had to put Sammy down and it was highly stressful for me. I cried most of the day off and on and when it came to Physical Therapy I should honestly have just canceled. He had planned to do an assessment to see if I’d improved any but I was bad off. He did it anyway while I was doing the exercises and I didn’t really notice. He told me he’d taken a peak at the questionnaire I had filled out in the lobby and he knew that it was a bad day for an assessment. Told me to go home and rest. I did....

Yesterday, as far as dizzy goes was a good day. I had been fairly calm and quiet all morning and I felt like I was doing okay. Would have been a good day for an assessment, which was good because appointment was at four.

Rocky had been talking about getting a gym membership for months. I told him the cost was not something the house could pay for and he swears he will out of his money. He has managed to save somehow so we went to check out Planet Fitness. He had heard that they had a water jet table so he wanted to go check it out. Ultimately he decided that’s where he wants to go and has resolved to go after work everyday. Thursday he got home around 4. I told him that night that he may have to skip the gym because of the therapy. He said “I’ll do the 30 circuit training” I told him to let me know how it is because if I ever go with him that’s the only real thing that interests me.

Friday, I waited. I thought at 3:30 he’s starting to cut it real tight. I called at 3:45 “Your on your way home right?” “No. I’m working out.” “I have therapy at 4 Rocky” “Okay” “Do you know what time it is?” “almost 4” “Yeah, know what I’ll just drive myself, I’m about to be late.” I hung up on him and he called me 4 times on the way to the gas station. Where I quickly pumped $5 cause the tank was empty and headed on. I got a text “I’ll meet you there” I texted back “go back do myself” he called me while I was in the lobby waiting to be called back (4:02) I picked up. I was quiet because there is no reason for me to air it out in a quiet lobby I let him talk and I just “yeah” “Uhhuh” .... he said “Joseph and Kerri had car trouble and got their car to a place but needed a ride home so he picked them up and took them home then went to the gym. This did not help his case as he should have said no to J&K OR not gone to gym all together. He said he forgot it was Friday.... which I had just gone over with him the night before so I seriously don’t know how. After the call we were back to texting and I said “It isn’t the first time and it’s not going to be the last I’m sure. I don’t want to talk about this anymore” and then I was called back. I started with anything that didn’t need a timer and he was there before I needed one. He said he was in the dog house to the therapist. I told him what had happened and how I’d driven there under stress.... was not fun.... We did a full assessment.

Rob (therapist) said it’s better than Tuesday but not as good as when I started.... when I started being the 42% impaired. I take that as the whole 3 day recovery I was dealing with from work. I mean Tuesday was really bad.... then the stress of I’m about to be late and Rocky not being there. I always leave dizzy so I needed him. How was I going to make it home? So I see it as decently normal. Rob said “this isn’t like when you have shoulder surgery. Once you hit the point where you are climbing up you just keep climbing till you are good” I know this. Because stress and doing too much are things that trigger bad days..... and those can turn into a not good week…and never knowing when a bad day is coming..... this is why I don’t think I can work. He didn’t give me a number this time and there were parts of the assessment test I knew I did better on but..... it was still not as good as when I started? :( so there is that.

Went to go leave and saw a text from Rocky saying “Not the first? For what” so I looked at him and I said “you missed an appointment I needed you at for the steroid shots too but you obviously forgot that. Where are we going for dinner?” I got in my car and we left his there. Dizziness would calm down some if we went and got something to eat and hopefully I would be able to drive home after that.

We went to a way to expensive BBQ place and bought way too much food but they had a great way to get as much as we could for sampling so we did.... and we will probably never eat there again. The place itself was great. They are very keen on showing our Veterans respect and have service pictures all over the walls as well as medals from different wars and what not. Veterans have reserved parking.... really nice. The food was good but aside from the Brisket and Turkey we has small complaints about everything. Mac and Cheese was average, baked beans and to much worcestershire sauce in it, Wendy’s has better fries, and the cold slaw should have been sweeter, out of 9 sauces I only liked 2 .... the cold bread was just shy of Johnny Cake (which only sucks cause it wasn’t Johnny cake but wasn’t cornbread either because it was almost Johnny cake). In order of meats we got a little of everything so.... The chicken was seasoned when it didn’t need to be, the pulled pork was not seasoned and it should have been, one meat was completely unmemorable ..... as in I can’t even remember what it was. On the other side, the turkey was almost juicy and the brisket was great. All in all I’d not choose to go to Mission BBQ again based on food/price but if a friend was like “Hey let’s go to Mission” I’d go and get a brisket burger and a side we hadn’t tried. ..... That turned into a real review… sorry

After we ate we went ant got the other car and I drove it home. I was done though and at 6:30 I turned in.... to sleep till 6 today yuck. This whole situation is why I choose the location I did. It’s 10 min from home and only 4 turns (including driveways, excluding parking)

I’m sure it was the uncalled for stress.

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