Survey because..... in Second 1st

  • June 3, 2019, 5:41 p.m.
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  • Public

Is the person you last texted single?
Eddie, the neighbor. Asking if he could drive around the SUV to check it out. When Rocky was on the toilet and I was undressed and in bed..... the thrills of being an early to bed early to rise person. Technically single but he’s got a girl living with him now.

Do you get jealous easily?
There is no point in wasting my emotions on that now is there?

Are you wasting your time on the person you like?
lol probably, I married him.....

What are you currently waiting for?
A response from Symetra on the extension of Short term disability until after my next scheduled appointment. Also, I’m about to go wait at the gas station for a pick up of a Teddy Ruxpin Hug ‘n sing doll.... it’s soooo creepy eyes.

Do you think more about the past, present or future?
Present and future probably about the same. What I can do now to reach x.

Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
-Nope. I don’t like people. (left this cause I’d answer the same)

Honestly, did/do you really love the last person you said I love you to?
Yes, Rocky when he left for work this morning.

Is there anything wrong with your eyes?
I wear glasses to drive.... and things get blurry sometimes but that’s because of the ear thing .

Who were the last people you saw besides from family?
Rocky being considered family.... and his mom and adoptive dad..... and Sammy..... OH! Sammy had a friend stay the night the night before last.... Katie.... I’m nice to her but she’s a very dramatic friend (Be Right back gonna go meet that guy now)

Do you have nice eyes?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.... so.... maybe.... do I think so.... not particularly

Have you ever received a love letter more than a page long?
My ex husband wrote me one on the v-day after we had gotten married. Would have meant a ton more if it didn’t feel so conditional.

If something was wrong, who would be the first girl you go to?
Destiny! Mostly as a verbal bounce because she’s so far away.... or mom, my mom and I are great friends.

Who’s thinking about you right now?
I hope nobody.... even Rocky he’s at work with no need to be distracted by me.

Is this the best year of your life?
not so far, but it’s only June

Have you ever thought someone died, when really they didn’t?
Like celebrities? sure. Not anyone I actually know though.

Does your bedroom need cleaning?
Nope, it’s probably the cleanest room right now to be honest

July 4th or St. Patrick’s Day?
St. Patrick’s Day, it’s less hot but as far as anything else about it I don’t care.

Sushi of choice?
the ones with avacado, cream cheese, and imitation crab. ..... or the plain fish ones..... or the seaweed salad in a egg envelope thing..... or.... ok ok I do like sushi but I’m horrible with the names.

Would you rather take a relationship really slow or really fast?
I’ve done both. Slow is better. There is something about sex that makes you care less about what their favorite color is. Long term it’s the little things that matter so knowing if they like pineapple on pizza or not is important.

Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex?
every Tuesday.... but the world is co-ed so this is totally a silly question

Are you comfortable with your height?
Yeah, I’m taller than a bunch of chicks and shorter than the tall chicks :) I”m pretty happy. Also, Rocky’s 6 ft so he can get the high things for me :)

Do you act differently around the person you like?
Probably. I mean I’m for sure more real with Rocky than .... say a random guy at Wal-Mart

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I would hope so.... I’m married

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
-Always? No. (agreeing with person I stole from, Always is a bit much)

Do you like thunderstorms?

Do you think teenagers can be in love?
Sure.... and they can fall out of love just like anyone else with a heart.

How fast does your mood change?
I think a song or two could change my mood.... but they aren’t extreme so it’s not important for the most part.

Are there things that can’t be joked about with you?
I’m not offended easily but I’d rather not hear jokes about incest ..... luckily that’s not a huge haha topic.

What do you always take with you?
-My keys, wallet and phone (adding) ,Zofran

When is your birthday?
October 20th

Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
I’ve napped twice in gas station parking lots. Once I was just resting my neck after driving 17 hrs straight and the other was a hot day I’d gotten over heated and my schedule had an empty place with no real options.

Anything on your walls?
kitchen-calander, dinning room- a small wood thing that says “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” - Joshua 24:15 with a dried rose on top of it that Keri had given me, 2 pink post it notes with dots on them for vestibular therapy - hallway an anime character I don’t know and my dragon diamond painting framed in the hallway..... and the rest of the house is bare.

What do you bite more, your tongue, lip or cheek?
cheek.... I assume it because I’m fat

Has a boy/girl called you babe/baby lately?
It’s Tennessee.... strangers call you babe.... darling, sweetheart, honey..... all those things lol

Is there something that you want to tell someone but can’t?
Not right at this moment. I mean I can’t think of anything :)

Do you think you can last in a relationship 6 months or more?
going on 13 years

Do you feel comfortable getting up and giving speeches?
Hell no. It’s dumb though cause I will do karaoke in front of anyone....

Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
i can’t swim so.... double no

Does anyone know your passwords besides you?
Yup, Rocky and the paper right in front of my computer....

Have you ever kissed someone under fireworks?
yes, In Colorado on a roof on the 4th of July 1/2 drunk

Do you have a box where you keep all of your important things?

How many times have you dyed your hair?
4 times, I have done a streak of color. I don’t think I’ll get around to doing it again because I’d have to want to lean my head forward.... and that’s a no

Can you count past 100?
wtf..... can you breathe?

Who introduced you to your last boyfriend/girlfriend?
I guess it would be my brother? he had a party and Rocky came.

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
-Absolutely not.

Most memorable thing that happened to you over the summer?
Um.... last summer? memorable.... nope

Has anyone called you perfect before?
Ex husband after telling me I was no good at something....

What’s your all time favorite ROMANCE movie?
50 first dates

Do you prefer the ocean or pool?
Pool, waves suck.

Ever really cried your heart out?
More when I was younger than I would ever think to now.

Are you the same person as you were at the beginning of 2010?
No, I’d never heard of Meniere’s Disease, I’d never get married, and i was living with my brother.

Is there a difference between love and IN love?

Do you speak any languages other than English?
I would like to someday.

Do you think you were raised well?
I think I was raised as well as I could be with what we had. I want to say yes but as an adult there are things I would never ask of my children that were asked of me.

Could you name all 50 states and point to them on a map?
Yeah.... and capitals.... cause you know I went to elementary school......

Where was the last place you were when you got sick?
home.... I’m sick all the time now

Have you ever smuggled something into America?
lol no....

What’s your favorite superhero?
I don’t have one.

Can you say the alphabet backward?
-“the alphabet backward” (lol kept, but no not without messing it up)

Pen or pencil?

Ever had an 11:11 wish come true?
Made them when I was like 10 and yeah cause they were dumb “I wish I could leave here”.... as you always will eventually leave home.

Do you get bad headaches?
Yes, comes with the ear thing.

Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Yes, and they got over it.

Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
I wish he would stop.

What’s usually colder, your hands or your feet?
- Feet.

Give me a random lyric from the song you’re listening to.
(corrected grammar) I’m not listening to anything right now..... enjoying silence so lyric: ” ”

Do you like competition?
Sometimes but only if I see a benefit in it even if I lose.

Do you think two people can last forever?
It’s a lot of work and for the most part if both people are willing to put it in yes. Most aren’t and It’s a flip of a coin.

Do you consider yourself lucky?
Some days.

Do you live in a ghetto neighborhood?
Nope, hardly any kind of crime here and people keep there houses up (no abandoned)

Who was the ugliest person you saw today?
I do not recall..... however, Rocky and I ate lunch together today and this one lady came into the place wearing this super short skirt..... I never saw her face but Rocky pointed her out as EWWW lol

Has a song made you cry?
I think Songs can be emotional gateways and there are several that make me cry when I hear them.

A book ever made you cry?
For sure. When a character is written correctly and they die.... it’s like part of you has died.... you can’t help but cry.

Is your world crumbling to pieces?

I did this survey because … why? One of the people I reed pretty consistently posted it so I thought I’d read and follow up…

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