I actually went out somewhere in Adventures in paradise
- June 3, 2019, 1:23 a.m.
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I actually went out (for a bit) on saturday night. I’d been invited to Sheldon’s birthday at Viscosity, and I’d worked all day and nearly talked myself out of going. It’s been another rough-ish week in that I still haven’t been feeling the best, but at least I’m not vomiting like I was at the start. My mind’s been in overdrive as to what might be wrong with me, like if I’ve developed a food allergy or something and I’m eating all the wrong foods. And I realized that my left temple really hurts if I press it lightly. Upon Googling (which always comes back as “You’re gonna die, might as well give up now), it could be a number of things but it said brain tumor was rather unlikely as there are other symptoms that go along with that, but of course my mind went there :/
Anyway - Viscosity. I hadn’t been out in suuuuuuch a long time, but it turns out this particular venue is quite close to my new place, and it’s on the outskirts of the Valley so I wouldn’t have had to deal with all the fucksticks as much, so that was comfort enough to force myself to go. I got home, had a shower, changed into my comfy jeans, my leather jacket I got in London in 2015 (it’s cool enough to wear it now!) and my Volley’s. I’d still told myself I’d only go out for like a half hour, as I did have work the next day and was pretty uncomfortable as it was.
I got there and Sheldon looked happy to see me and I gave him a hug. I only knew him and his boyfriend and sort of knew one other guy, who I sat next to, so we sorta talked a little bit. The seating was in like a semi-circle and he encouraged me to swing a chair around in front so that I’d be more face-on with everyone, but there’s no way I was doing that lol. I went and grabbed myself a drink from the bar. With how I’ve been feeling the past few weeks, the last thing I wanted to do was drink too much, as I didn’t want to end up hurling again. Ergh, not a pleasant feeling. I ordered a ‘Snow Globe’.
Viscosity is like a lab-bar, so all the drinks are made up in beakers and test tubes and do funky things and have bright colours. Certain sections of the bar light up which they put the glass on and make it in. They get their advertising by people Instagramming the drink creations. It’s pretty cool, but the cheapest drink is like $16, which I got haha.
I got there at probably 8:30pm when the event started at 7pm (I only finished work then) so it worked out well when people started leaving around 9:30 or 10pm. I think Sheldon’s 31 now, so I guess his friends aren’t that young crowd that stay out til 5am haha.
After the guy next to me left, there was a lot more space to fit into the semi-circle booth and one of his friends stuck up a conversation with me, which was nice. He’d obviously had a bit to drink but was quite intimidating and collected at the same time. He was obsessed with my Volley’s and was stunned when I told him I’d just got them on clearance at Big W for like $10 around 8 years ago. I didn’t even think they were real. They are pretty cool shoes for the time I’ve gotten out of them I guess. He then showed me that he was a member of the Volleys Facebook page and was signed up to their mailing list, so turned out he was a hardcore fan. Who knew?
He then asked what I did for a living (as ya do I guess) and I told him. I always palm off that question because I certainly don’t have a career, just a job, but I told him what I did and he was also fascinated that I only work 4 days every week and that I “really have it figured out”.
I guess in a way I do, it’s why I’ve done what I do for so long, but I tried to say that I have to work every weekend instead, but this guy was like, “Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best days to have off!”
Haha, okay then. Anyway, he then went on to say he owns his own business and explained what it was a bit and how it’s such hard work and he’s putting in like 60-70 hour weeks. No wonder he’s jealous of my work/life balance. That’s more than double what I do!
Anyway, now on the other side of me was Sheldon’s boyfriend, Sam, who I sort of know. We connect in that he works for the same company I do, just a different store, so we joked about working there a bit. Sam’s only 20 years old, so at least a decade younger than Sheldon, but they work so well together and are such a cute couple. Sam had also had quite a few cocktails and was a good conversationalist to make up for my lack there-of. Whenever there was a silent moment he’d come up with a random question. He did ask me the same question twice, and I was like, “Umm, you already asked me that” haha. I just put it down to drunk twinkness haha. Sheldon was feeling up Sam’s inner thigh the entire time, so it was cute to see them being intimate with each other. I was surprised when Sam said they’d been going out 2 years this coming November. For some reason, I thought it was way longer. Funny how some things seem shorter than others and others seem much longer. Perspective is a strange thing. I guess I’d only really seen them at Rhys’ birthday last year. But anyway, Sam was lovely to chat to, and cute too, which helps. Sam describes himself as not a partier and would prefer TV on the couch, and I guess that works well with Sheldon.
I realized after a while that I was speaking to Sam much like I write in here, but obviously toned down a bit. I’d only had the one cocktail, but I guess it doesn’t take me much at all. Sam asked me what type of guys I was into and I told him, and everyone had noticed that there was a guy in a beanie at the end of the bar who had been there all night, but not spoken to anyone, so Sam was encouraging me to go talk to him.
Yeah right - go chat to a random guy in a straight venue - that’ll go down well. I can’t even talk to gay strangers let alone straight (more than likely) ones. I was like, “Do straight guys wear beanies?” LOL - clearly that one cocktail was too much for me.
Sam was basically laid out on the seat and I’d been there for about an hour and a half, so took that as my queue to leave. I’m glad I went. I gave Sheldon and Sam a hug goodbye and shook the hand of the Volley guy (I forget his name now, started with ‘T’ I think - Theo?) and said a quick goodbye to all the other still-strangers and left for the short-walk home. I was going to write then but I was too tired so I’m writing a few days later and may have forgotten a few things.
I’ve been too paranoid since about what the fuck is wrong with me and if it’s just this bug or if I’ve been laying on the side of my head too much which is causing my temple to ache, or if I have a brain tumor and my head will explode any minute.
There’s an organic store nearby that tests for food allergies so I’ve been eyeing that off lately. Maybe I’ve become lactose intolerant? Maybe I’m dying? Who knows. Stupid body.
TL ⋅ June 03, 2019
I would put my money on an issue with your liver, not on a brain tumour. I'm only saying that to stress you out more lol.
I liked having weekdays off because everybody else was too busy to bother me and suck up my time.
crunchie ⋅ June 03, 2019
We have a similar bar in Melbourne called the Croft institute. I’ve never been but the drinks look very cool. Maybe another trip to the gp is in order. I think you can become lactose intolerant after a bug but things should definitely be getting better by now. No more googling for your own sanity! According to google everyone is showing symptoms of cancer
KissOfLife! crunchie ⋅ June 04, 2019
Haha I did some more Googling just before and it came back as saying I'm pregnant LOL
crunchie KissOfLife! ⋅ June 04, 2019
kmh. ⋅ June 03, 2019
You don’t have a brain tumour. But if you are genuinely concerned, go to the doctor for a full medical.
Sounds like a fun night, I’m glad you went :)