Spin, spin, whiskey and gin in Hello.

  • May 30, 2019, 9:39 a.m.
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I got the script for the guide role yesterday. It’s an 11 page PDF! Argh! I’m sure I’ll pick it up really quickly, but it’s still a bit intimidating at the moment. Also I’ve checked the tours on TripAdvisor and everyone seems to say what a wonderful and informative tour it is. I’ve got some big old boots to fill!
I took Belle to see Wheatus on Monday night. She’s a big fan, so I bought us tickets as soon as they went on sale. I have to admit, I only really knew a couple of their songs, so I’d been listening to them on YouTube. I thought they were a bit poppy for me, but good for a bop. We got there early so we could get the rail, but combined with the two support acts, we were stood there 4 hours! I didn’t dare drink my pop in case I need a wee, haha!
When Wheatus came on, Belle started to really enjoy herself. They didn’t have a set list and got the crowd to shout out requests. So because we were right at the front in the middle, Belle was usually the one they heard first and she got a couple of hers played. Then the singer (Brendan I think) said he was going to climb into the audience for a bop, and chose to climb over right next to Belle. He sat on the rail next to her, smiling at her while she just looked star struck. I managed to catch it on video and it’s on Facebook if you want to see. Her face was a picture and she was on a cloud all the way home.
Right, best go get ready for work. I still haven’t got an official finish date, I’ll have to pin her down today.

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