...and Then There Were Two. in That Coming of Age Story

  • Feb. 24, 2014, 11:47 a.m.
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  • Public

I really want to get back to writing regularly.

Writing out my feelings used to help me get past them and now I just don't have the energy to do it anymore. I am trying to change that starting today.

Well I am feeling overwhelmed to say the least. I have my research surveys due tomorrow for my psych class, a lab exam on Wednesday, and I have a stats test on Friday to study for. Oh and not to mention that I have to solidify my hypotheses for my research group in psych class by Friday also.

I am just getting so stressed these days. It is really coming down to it. I want to do well this semester. I just don't have the motivation to care as much as I should. I just need to get disciplined and not go out as much.

I go out with my friends on the weekends even though I have work to do. That is not going to fly anymore. My grades are reflecting that. Midterm grades came out yesterday and I had a C in my Geology class. I just hate that class. It is so tedious. In stats I got a B I guess I could live with that. I got a B in psych class but only by a hair. I got an A in sociology, I love that class though.

So yea I have to step it up and do more. I mean this will determine if I get into graduate school. I am not being hard enough on myself. Wake the fuck up Kayla!

Another thing that is worrying me is my living situation. My group of friends is going to be one short after this year. Karla is moving to California to be with her husband Andrew. He has been in Afghanistan serving his time in the military and she wants to be with him. She says she can't keep being away from him for months on end. I don't blame her for that. It makes me really sad because I love Karla. She is a great friend. I love her mainly because she isn't afraid to call people out on their bullshit. She is kind, supportive and the corniest girl I have ever met. I will miss her.

Also, Taylor is moving back in with her mom because she wants to save money. I definitely don't blame her there. It is expensive here...well at least for a broke college student. She promised to come and see us all the time. Taylor is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. So because we don't want to find two new roommates to live with us and take over our lease Lillie and I have to find a new apartment.

We have looked in town for a new place and we have some options. It is just a matter of finding a place that will be available right when this lease is done with in July.

So yea I have a lot on my plate right now. I hope I can get everything in order before I go fucking insane.

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