Day whateverthisis in Stuff
- May 5, 2019, 2:56 a.m.
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I woke up this morning, and I could breathe clearly. I was ecstatic. I’d slept with the blinds closed (I didn’t need the neighbours to see me rushing to the bathroom every few hours lol) and my fan on a medium setting. I was so relieved just to feel like I could breathe normally.
And I went to work again. I realized today that since I did a full-time work-week, that this has actually hung around for 5 days now, because I was feeling it on Wednesday. It’s now Sunday. I’ve had such a shit week (literally!) that I’ve just wanted to shut the days off and forget about them.
I did some more research tonight when I thought to myself, “What if I actually don’t have food poisoning?” It’s just, given the events of what I’d eaten, and that dodgy-tasting icecream and the day-of milk expiry and the bag of popcorn, I’d narrowed it down to those three culprits and was cursing them. I had a note here that I could have gastro, given how long it’s stuck around, so I looked up the symptoms.
I tick all 5 listed.
You don’t need to know what they are. It’s gross.
At least I feel a little better knowing more, not actually feeling better, other than breathing better. One of the symptoms is lethargy, so that explains that! I think I slept for like 14 hours on Friday night. Party animal I am. Just out of breath and no energy. How the fuck I’ve managed to work this week is beyond me. I was certainly below my par.
But now I feel horrible - you know, food poisoning vers gastroenteritis - I think the latter one is fucking viral. I mean, I have no idea who I got it from. I haven’t even hooked up with anyone so there’s been no making out going on. Boo. Hooking up has been the last thing on my mind. I haven’t even masturbated. Just could not be bothered. And I’ve been trying to keep all good liquids inside me I suppose lol. Although I think the jury’s out on whether that particular liquid is meant to stay inside for long periods of time or not.
So I’ve barely been eating anything, other than watermelon, water, pineapple and a little bit of rice. That’s pretty much been my diet all week. And yet I’ve still felt bloated (funny that doesn’t seem to be one of the symptoms - I’m prob just unfit) despite the lack of food. And then today I bought a salad during my lunch break and it was only tiny, and although it was yummy, I realised I felt full after not even half of it. Lack of appetite was one of the symptoms however, so that ticks that. But I felt hungry before. It’s like I have to wait until I’m starving before I attempt to eat the tiniest little bit.
Anyway, now that my work-week is over (I did it! Somehow!) I’ve ordered in Ubereats. No use subjecting anyone else to this. Phil got home before and checked in on me sitting in my underwear in my room (feeling ugly as fuck) and asked how I was doing, and all I said was, “It’s been a horrible week, man. Just horrible.” And I’ve closed my door and secluded myself in my room, as I have the past four days. I’ve ordered in Thai. It says chicken should be okay to eat, and it’s nothing spicy that I’ve ordered. Plus I feel like I deserve a damn treat after this week. I don’t imagine I’ll be able to eat very much of it, so it’ll probably tie me over for all my meals tomorrow. Or rather, lunch, since I’ve been skipping both breakfast and dinners. No use eating when I’m bloated and scared to eat anything.
Some good news is that my stools were somewhat solid today, but still not the colour they should be. Ergh. Oh sorry, TWI warning - too late.
Anyway I’ll attempt eating some of this food and find something to binge-watch tonight. Another public holiday tomorrow! I pretty much spent today at work trying to make sure everything was marked down since we’re closed tomorrow.
Wow, my entries are exciting as fuck lately, not.
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