Gettin Way Too Real in The Past

  • March 22, 2019, 10:48 p.m.
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So, we ordered the wedding invitations last week and they’ll be here next week. I’m beginning to realize that the wedding is actually happening and that it’s coming up in 6 months. My wedding dress is ordered, the reception dress is ordered, the menu has been given to the Uncles to worry about so I don’t have to. Everything is plodding forward. Slowly but it is.

On the commission front, Stilly’s commissions are almost done – just have to finish the last bit of the last box. Eru’s finishing that up now… says he has a little more staining to do, and then he wants to let it dry for 24 hours before slapping varnish on it. After that, hopefully it’ll be done and we’ll just be waiting for the invitations to come in before sending out his boxes – we’re going to send him an invite to the wedding, since he paid for them. Hehehe.

I’m definitely not looking forward to the addressing and sending out of the invites. But that’s next month. On the 31st, Eru and I are going to go to Portland to visit Jen. I want her to meet Eru and want to hang out with her and Adam with just the four of us instead of with her sis and sis’ wife and the like too. I haven’t seen her in years and it’s going to be a lot of fun!

What else is going on? Finally getting our online store up and running. I got the first of the items on it, and I’m going to actually be able to put the buttons up too. It’s nice that I can set things up in different collections and set it up so that the button stuff is on the site but it’s still not officially a part of the Insanarchy Leather and Chain collection. Best of both worlds, I suppose. :) Eru is currently putting together the site, getting the design the way he wants it and the like, my job’s to post stuff and whatnot, but I still suck at it. :D Slowly I’ll get there, and I figure Eru can fix the descriptions and the like. He’s much better at that then I am.

I got poor Becky into alcohol inking scales and whatnot. She’s wanting to make dragon eggs out of the push pins instead of scales, and I taught her how to use alcohol inks to add designs and the like to each scale and pin, and then gave her all the alcohol ink stuff and told her to go to down on it, and I need about 200 scales for each egg. XD So she’s doing that for me so I can focus on the website and on the opening eggs. :) I have 4 of those opening eggs started and I need to finish them, as well as taking pictures of them.

Woo! Fun!

Oh! Website!

Spotify Store!

Last updated February 03, 2022

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