Mini adventures in 2014

  • Feb. 19, 2014, 6:58 a.m.
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I can drive now, but it still scares me. I am ok with driving my normal route to work because I do it twice a day. Its fine. Its 30-40 minutes but its fairly straightforward and I know there will be plenty of parking when I get to my destination.

I also drive to a little retail park most weekends that Jonny works. They have a few little shops there, and a Tesco with a filling station, so I go do a little shopping, maybe have a coffee and fill up my car for the next week. Its nice to have the independence to just go and do these things without it being an epic journey of buses/trains/lifts etc.

I'm still really hesitant to drive to new places though. Around once a week I work in a different office. Its a much more complicated place to drive to and much busier and I HATE it. I always put it off. Today is a Wednesday, the day I normally go to the other office, but I didn't go. I was on annual leave the week before last, and off sick some of last week and I feel like I need to work myself back up to that drive again. Its silly, but there we go. Driving makes me very anxious.

I drove to one of the other university sites today though. I don't like doing that because I worry about parking, and generally driving places I am unfamiliar with. I needed to get out of the office for a bit and reset - sitting here staring at the computer for hours just zaps all my energy. So I thought I would just give it a go, and it was fine, and I got coffee, so thats good. It feel kind of silly that it feels like such an achievement though, to drive 5 minutes out of my comfort zone. I do feel like I have more freedom, but I don't feel like I could just jump in my car and drive anywhere. People say it will get better but I'm not so sure. Maybe. I doubt I will ever be entirely comfortable with it though.

The weather is vaguely pleasant today. Its kind of drizzly but the sun is shining through it. It actually gives me a hint of all the things I missed about North Wales, like sunbathing in my mums garden and floating around on the pool reading a book. So thats something to look forward to.

I've been uber sleepy this week, probably still getting over that nasty virus thing that got me when I went to Cardiff. I've had lots of early nights and am starting to feel a bit more human now though. Last night especially I was out for the count. It felt gooood. I love sleep. I have roller derby tonight though which will probably knacker me out all over again. Oh well. I haven't been for the last 3 or 4 sessions so I feel a bit bad about that. Hopefully I won't be too out of practice as we're scrimming tonight.

(5dpo today, come on lil eggy)

Bomb Shell February 19, 2014

I'm exactly the same. I've been driving for about five years and I still don't like driving somewhere unfamiliar, especially in cities and places I can't stop in case of getting lost or having a spazz.

Taco Cat February 19, 2014

good job on the driving. I haven't driven in so long I actually miss it. I learnt at such a young age, I guess I didn't really think about being nervous or scared. But, If i got behind a wheel now I think i'd be pretty shaken up!

walking.on.sunshine February 19, 2014

I have been driving for years and I still really dislike driving through the city, where it's really busy. Hopefully with more practice doing the drive to the other office, you'll become much more comfortable with it.

Bumbly February 19, 2014

I'll be the odd one out. I quite like driving new places. Probably good really as I'd only driven around where my test was once before I had it! So many trips planned when I get my car :)

Etoile Filante February 19, 2014

I don't drive at all so I can't really offer much perspective, being a hippy cyclist. May I offer you an opinion about helmet hair or getting your jeans stuck on a gear cog whilst traversing down a bridge onto a cobbled street with your 10 month old baby behind you? laughs

Hypnotica Etoile Filante ⋅ February 19, 2014

Cycling would terrify me MORE!!!! At least I have airbags!

Deleted user February 20, 2014

What is scrimming?

Hypnotica Deleted user ⋅ February 21, 2014

Its a practice game in roller derby, so like a game between members of your own team or another local team, like a friendly.

martian princess February 22, 2014

I hate driving too. :(

I'm guessing you live in the UK, what exactly is Tesco? A department store with food?

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