Love Yourself. in Thoughts.

  • March 18, 2019, 10:15 a.m.
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I’ve spent so much of my life hearing that I need to love myself. To the point that when I was younger, I believed I hated myself.

For the past few years, I’ve worked hard to improve my life. I have learned to forgive myself. I have learned to take better care of myself. I have learned that I love myself.

Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in my anxiety and lose focus of things… mainly I get wrapped up in other people. And often times my friends think that I don’t love myself because I don’t constantly put myself first…

But I don’t think loving myself means having to be selfish. If putting someone else first doesn’t harm me and does help them… why shouldn’t I?

I give chances “more than I should”
and I wouldn’t take them back.
It doesn’t mean I don’t love myself,
because I don’t push a person out of my life for hurting me.
It doesn’t mean I don’t love myself,
because I won’t give up on someone easily..

It just means I love them too.

And y’all… trust me… if I didn’t love myself… I wouldn’t be able to love anyone else.

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