Ummmm.... ooooops!!! in shiny things
- March 18, 2019, 2:50 a.m.
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Massive apologies for clogging up everyone’s Unread Bookmarks with 42,501 entries about a trip to England I took 9 1/2 years ago!!! I am lucky lucky lucky enough to have made three trips since then, (still not enough, though) and although the most recent two (2013 and 2017) have their own books here on Prosebox, the initial trip from way way back in the dark ages of 2010 was pre-Prosebox and was just commemorated on Open Diary. I thought I should remedy that, and copied all the OD entries over here, in a private book, which I then made public after they were all transferred—- never realizing that entries backdated nearly 10 years ago would still show up as “unread” on my friends’ unread bookmarks lists, even though they didn’t show up on the PB “just published” page. YIkes! Well, it was a fantastic trip and fun to meander down memory lane, but please feel free to pass that right over! I’m just trying to get all the stars to align so I can take Trip Number 4....
Deleted user ⋅ March 18, 2019
I thought they were interesting !
edna million Deleted user ⋅ March 19, 2019
Thanks!! They certainly were fun to write.
Marg ⋅ March 18, 2019
Don't apologise - I loved reading them again! Kim's Suitcase From Hell nearly did me in :)
edna million Marg ⋅ March 19, 2019
I will NEVER GET OVER THAT. Neither will she!!
noko ⋅ March 18, 2019
Trip #4! Yippee. Something in all your caregiving preoccupations to look forward too.
edna million noko ⋅ March 19, 2019
It really is! We're all trying to focus on that---
Justlovely ⋅ March 20, 2019
you know I like to give your entries full attention, and sometimes I don't read when I should, because I'm waiting for when I have that "perfect time" to sit down and savor them. So, I have missed this wave you talk about. I'm only STILL dabbling with trying to stay logged in and get back into a reading habit at all. I wanted to tell you that I'm closing my OD entirely at the end of March. I don't even know who reads me over there, and it just hasn't taken off for me the way I wanted. So, this will be my only home at the end of March. And I WILL be catching up over here.
edna million Justlovely ⋅ March 20, 2019
I do the EXACT same thing - I have a really hard time making it a habit to read everyone, and end up so far behind that it seems hopeless to catch up. I don't think I have very many readers on OD either, but I have several old old friends there who never migrated here so I keep it. It is a lot of trouble to have two, though.