Commission? Sweet! in The Past

  • March 16, 2019, 11:23 p.m.
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So Eru and I finally finished the dragon egg and chest for Stilly. Once they were finished, and we told Still, he mentioned he wanted another box. So we showed him one of the other boxes that we made and he decided that he wanted a second box… no problem.. so we got a really cool box, Eru stained it and did some kick ass decoration to it. XD Tell Stilly that we’re about ready to send, and I started the invoice… then we made the mistake of showing off a box that we’re workin on for another commission. :D Only to have Still say he wants one like that too! Poor Eru has already consigned himself to the fate of staining and decorating boxes for the rest of his life, or at least, for the rest of it that’s not spent at work. I added that to the invoice, shipped it off with a note that shipping of the package will be delayed for a week for the new box, and woke up this morning to a note saying “You got money!”

Woo, the first real sale since the etsy shop went down! I was able to pay for our booth at All’s Faire, pay back the money that I borrowed from Court, and pay for the first few months of our shopify shop. :) Eru was really happy about it too. It’s a huge step towards feeling like our stuff is worth paying for, and worth paying a good amount for. :)

Also, since it’s Easter time, I picked up a few (only like, 78 or so) really cool, hard plastic eggs that I’m going to turn into opening eggs. Once I get those finished, I’ll take a few pictures! Along with my new hand-painted egg.

Last updated February 03, 2022

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