babble in hi

  • Feb. 19, 2014, 2:49 a.m.
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  • Public

I am kinda over winter. I was sick a couple of weeks ago and hubby got it twice as bad. We went to doc in the box and he was acutally diagnosed with pneumonia. I got him an appointment with a family practice doctor for follow up and thank goodness he was mis-diagnosed.

Still frustrated and disappointed with the Virginia house and sort of over the thrill of home ownership! I love the house we are renting, but can't imagine living here in old age. I have become QUITE the pioneer woman, I can make a fire with the best of them. We don't HAVE heat, just this huge woodstove surrounded with layers of granite that gives radiant heat. Not a lot of fun THIS winter.

For TIgressa--I got an amazing green quartz pendant and picked a black suede chain to put it on...

Still trying to figure this site ou!

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