Friendship garden in Glowing world

  • March 12, 2019, 11:27 a.m.
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Some friendships are like flowers. They need time, nourishment, and should be appreciated. They might bloom once and be done, or they might come back seasonally. I love them, but I don’t depend on them staying forever, because they are just flowers.

Some are like fruit trees. Those took a little more time to grow, and they give nourishment back. I try to spend time with each of them at least once a month, and I try to see one of them every week.

Kenny is an oak tree. Solid. Took a long time. I try to sit in his shade a little bit every day, and spend real quality time with him every week.

Grace and Erica are my redwoods. I have a ten-year minimum for these trees. If I had a body to bury, they would know I had my reasons and they would help me. I don’t have to see them every day, but they are always there. Ideally I’d see them every day, but they live sorta far away right now, so I try to visit at least once a year.

I have some seeds. Acquaintances that I’d love to get to know better. I don’t know if they’ll grow into flowers, trees, or if the wind will take them away. But it’s always good to have some seeds to water.

I also have a “dandelion” category. They come and go with the breeze. You could see them as weeds, and say they aren’t good plants. You could also just enjoy the way they come and go. They are a type of flower, after all. They are familiar, and lovely in their own way. I don’t depend on them for anything, but I still love them.

Also, all the fruit trees start out as flowers. You never know who’s going to turn into what. Sometimes you think someone’s a fruit tree, but they’re a dandelion. Redwoods and oaks are fruit trees that have stood the test of time, because that’s how this magical garden works.

If you spend all your time worrying about dandelions, you’re never going to have redwoods. If you get angry and stop nourishing your fruit trees in winter because there’s no fruit, they’ll freeze over.

I wonder if I’m a bee in this analogy? Do I make honey?? I’m probably the gardener. I get to organize my garden however I want, and decide which plants go where.

Fruit trees: Svea, Kathlyn, Tom, Anna
Flowers: Alexus, Tarah, Kristin, Sawyer, Shannon, Stasha, Lily
Seeds: Sydney from dancing, Sonia from the bank, Stephanie the loan officer, Leah from SF, Amber from belly dancing
Dandelions: Annah, Tawnie, Izi, Willow, Brent

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