the one where jack tries to show sympathy. in A Life Uncommon

  • Feb. 19, 2014, 5:46 a.m.
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So I finally mentioned my irrational and unfair anger and sadness 're:babies (I was set into tears by my ex announcing a pregnancy due 8-25) to Jack. I told him it's not overpowering, it

He asked me if I ever acted on it and I reminded him that I don't even talk about it. I'm horrified by feeling that way, even though I know it's okay. And then he tried to be sweet and sympathetic and offered up this gem:

"I mean, you're human, and you're going to feel things. And it's okay to feel things. Totally. You're allowed to feel however you want. It's kind of how if a person wrecks their car, the last thing they want to hear people talk about are their new cars. You know, only.....way more emotional, obviously."

Uh....kinda like that. Yeah.

At least he tried. Haha. Men.

Soulslulluby February 19, 2014

Oh Jack. Plus one for trying.

Sagittarienne February 21, 2014

lol jacky. points for trying, indeed!

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