Autosave, Ads, Alliteration in Site Updates (Josh)

  • March 5, 2019, 11:56 p.m.
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  • Public

Hey everyone,

How is it March already? Where did those other months go? What even is 2019?

I wanted to bring you all in the loop on what’s been going on the past few months. Things have been both busy and slow behind the scenes. I’ve done a lot of heavy lifting on the planning for the features coming down the pipe, but actual development has slowed. Our main developer has some ongoing crazy dayjob obligations, so things have stalled. The plan is to pick back up next month when he becomes more available. Excited to be able to put some tangible work into the site again.

One thing I’ve been looking at recently is ad revenue. For some reason, I’m seeing a 20% decline over the last two months, despite site traffic staying consistent. Ad blocker usage is still very low as well, so I’m stumped. If anyone has any experience with this kind of thing, please drop a line in the comments or shoot me an email. I’d love to chat.

I’ve seen a handful of entries floating around about autosave issues and wanted to clear up some of the functionality. What typically happens is that someone will type out an entry only to lose it when they navigate away. After some detective work, my best guess is that the issue is tied to entry titles. In order for entry backup to work, a title is required.

My hypothesis is that some users are waiting to title the entry until after they finish writing it, and then losing it along the way. I’m hoping to tweak that a bit next month, but in the meantime make a mental note to always plug a few characters into the title just to be safe. Thanks as ever for your patience, we’re getting there.

More soon.

sleepy pickle


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