the rest of the day in Second 1st

  • Feb. 27, 2019, 6:57 p.m.
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After taking his mom we had lunch at a Chinese buffet place we like. It was annoying, usually he’s done before me and I feel like I’m over eating because he’s finished. In actuality I chew more and I don’t over pile my plates so I end up with 2 palates to his one. Today, I finished before he did and was patiently playing on my phone. Then he handed me a custard bun ( I love those things) and then said he was done..... so again I wasn’t “finished” when he started getting up to leave..... URGH the ONE TIME!!!!!!!!!!

Dr visits went well. I talked to my ENT about the very poor bedside manner of the nerve doc and the obviously unhappy staff. I told her about the last visit I had and how he was signing me off to work the 15th without the follow up the 25th. I asked if she would be willing to extend the Short term medical he put me on so that I would return after the follow up. She said she would just find out what I need to send in and she’ll get it done.

Rocky’s, I feel went well as well. Seems like she had a list of symptoms and he had them all. She ended up sticking a camera in his nose and looking in his throat. He coughed for hours after.... I think he’s back to normal now. She gave him a list of things she wants him to do.... like not eating or drinking anything 2 hours before bed.... oddly, his acid re flux may play a big part. We will pick up some scripts for him when he gets off work .... so there is that, I’m hopeful he’ll stop spitting randomly and maybe snore less..... we will see it’s an over time thing. She’s getting an at home sleep study went to him. So that should be fun.

On the way home I got like 4 messages about the fireplace TV stand I posted this morning. Then 2 more.... I had 6 people on the hook at one point. The dropped off mostly on the size of the end product (not fitting in the space they had and whatnot). I do however have a guy meeting me at 7:30 in the morning and another lady later in the day (no time yet). So.... I have one loaded in the van and the other in Rocky’s car. He’s going to take my car (which is smaller and won’t fit the thing in it) to work in the morning. Selling for $150 and $170 .... and after I get that money that pallet will be paid for.... with 4 items to go

Came home and called the people who handle our off time claims to make sure I had all the info I needed and how to extend the claim and what would happen next n such. I told her what was going on with the dumb doc releasing me before the second follow up and my ENT extending that Short term. She said I would then need release papers not from the dumb doc but the ENT (being the last doc to add time to the Short term). All I needed was to have the office fax over the notes from the visit today. We went back to the office to pass on the info and I’ve made another appointment with ENT for the 27th for release to work after the visit with Dumbo the 25th. i should be back to work the 29th.... all goes well....

We arranged the things in the vehicles to that I won’t need help (aside from buyer) because the guys will be at work.

We spent some time with Eddie this afternoon so I could take some pictures of the model numbers for the other items.... looking the packages over we decided to open one that was beat up pretty bad. It’s marked as a Camo Nutcracker. It’s 4 feet tall. One of those big decorative ones that one would put next to the tree at Christmas. We opened it and the feet/stand have been broken of and removed. I’m listing it anyway for like $10, see if that happens (full disclosure on the damage of course). After offloading the fireplace/tv stands the loss of the nutcracker won’t suck so bad. So, I’m hopeful for the morning.

I’m going to work on getting the rest of the items listed in the morning.... and of course do Justin’s. Dishes are a tad behind from last night.... laundry is a tad behind because Sammy did his.... and my rhythm is all off. I was reading in the morning but this morning was a mess. Now I’m about to go to bed and I’m just getting around to a post :(..... really got to get this back on track ;)

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