3rd, Sorry in Book Six: Trying to Hold On 2019

  • Feb. 19, 2019, 4:53 p.m.
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So… if you have access to everything I write… this will be the third thing I’ve written today. But that’s the curse, isn’t it? In too much pain to get genuine work done; can’t take a nap or leave quite yet; “managing” by folding my right leg into a pretzel formation whereby the leg is being stretched at the butt and calf but also slowly making the entire leg go numb. Numb would be good but it would also make walking out of the office difficult.

Ultimately if things work out accordingly tonight.... I will get home, go food shopping with wife (possibly pick up some Whiskey… I know I’m trying to do No Drink February but right now… whatever is legal, accessible, and proven to help with sleep in the past).... go exercise… come home, eat dinner, watch Jeopardy, hopefully do some more work on preparing stuff for tomorrow and thursday, then go to bed. THAT is my hope. I originally wanted to throw in some writing or reading there as well but… honestly, think that might be pushing it at this point. SO for right now… I’ll do some surveys I stole from y’all.

What was the last thing you ordered online?
I think it was a stuffed animal for a gift exchange.

Are you happy with your relationship with God, or do you want more from it?
It is mixed. I tend to have a casual friends relationship but it is certainly strained because he’s so obsessed with humans and I think, frankly, they are one of his worst creations

Do you have unanswered questions?
The day I genuinely have no more questions is the day I die and get answers.

Do you struggle with boredom?
Gosh, not really. I mean I understand boredom and it happens to me from time to time; but I don’t really struggle with it

Is your spirit made for adventure?
My spirit is made for adventure, my background is made for travel, but my body was made for caution

What famous person do you wish you could be friends with?
Oprah. Money, connections, influence… and maybe together we’d find a way to make some more meaningful differences in the world

What would you do if you were famous?
Encourage a message of understanding, empathy, and communication

Do you wish you hair were shorter or longer?
I kind of like it the way it is; but if I was physically able… I’d like a long hair look

Do you own colored jeggings or skinny jeans?
Nooooo. I don’t wear jeans often enough to justify “trendy” jeans

What’s your favorite color for pants?
Black, honestly. I’m not always great about it but I always felt a wardrobe should advance chromatically from the bottom. Darks for feet/legs, then darks on top OR colors.

Is your stomach rumbling?
No. My stomach rarely rumbles.

Are you wearing pajamas right now?
Nope. Suit pants, suit coat, buttoned up shirt. Frankly, and this is true, if I weren’t at work I’d be writing something saucy about the shirt buttons being removed or something

What photo editing website or software do you use?
I don’t. I’m behind the times on all of that, but I was never much for photography anyway.

What helps you calm down when you are feeling angry or stressed?
Prosebox and Video Games

Do you have an idea for a story stirring inside your head?
Always. I always have some fictional story trying to write itself in my head!

Do you daydream a lot?
More than I write about. But I consider “daydreaming” to merely refer to imagining scenarios, so that is actually part of my job

Have you changed much in the last ten years?
Yes, but not as much as the decade before. 2000 to 2010 I went from a shy, dating n00b who wanted to be an actor… to an engaged, well-liked, soon-to-be-law student. 2010 to 2020 (so far) I went from an engaged, well-liked, soon-to-be-law student.... to a married, home owning, rather humdrum attorney.

Do you expect your life to be drastically different ten years from now?
If it does… I would like it to be because my life got better. Maybe more money or a better relationship with the wife, or a better wife… who knows.

Do you feel like your dreams are within your reach, or do you feel trapped?
Both, honestly. I feel like… if I were more physically capable, better connected, and better funded… there would be no dream unpursued. That cannot be said at the moment.

Do you want to be a fairy?
No. Depending on the mythology, you run the risk of becoming no more sentient or special than a mosquito.

Have you ever told someone that you were an alien?
I have actually!

What superpower do you wish you had?
Nightcrawler. Everything. Prehensile Tail, Teleportation, Agility, Acrobatics

Have you had any of your clothes for ten years or more?
Most of them. I rarely clothes shop.

Are you thankful for the medical industry?
Yes, though I do wish the whole industry was more innovative and less expensive… which I appreciate as saying “Took more risks for less reward”

Are you more for natural drugs or medical ones?
I’m always going to be a Medical Boy. Medical Science and the drugs, surgeries, etcetera are why I’m still alive.

Do you think smoking medical marijuana is ok/should be allowed?
As a Prosecutor in Iowa… I have no comment. HOWEVER, as a chronic pain sufferer in Iowa, I would love to see more of this made legal. Since I am required to observe Federal Law, which still counts Marijuana and Canabis as an illegal substance… I can’t use anything from the pain management family until State and Federal Law agree.

Do you think churches should do more to help the lost and lonely?
I think it is an important calling of the Church. Now, some do this better and more often than others so “do more” may not be fair. I do think that a Church must put service to others as one of their most valued tenants.

Have you ever been rejected by a church?
I wouldn’t say rejected by the church. I’ve certainly felt unwelcome. Especially when a Civilian Parishioner discovers my degree in Religious Studies.

Have you ever smoked pot?
Never. I was only ever offered it once and even if I weren’t the Massive Square I’ve always been, the timing was stupid. I needed to be on stage for a show and someone was like “Take the edge off?” No. No thanks. The edge is part of the fun in performing!

Do you think practicing Christianity should be legal?
This question makes me angry a little. Here’s a thing: Provided the religion does not require property damage, physical violence, or harm people in some way all religions should be legal.

Do you think doctors should be able to prescribe vitamins?
This is something they already have the power to do. And duh. If a medically trained doctor can present to you, the patient, a practical and intelligent reason for what he is prescribing you… let ‘em!

Do you think for yourself?
I put a lot of my thoughts on Prosebox. You tell me.

Have you ever stood alone in your opinions/beliefs?
Gosh, that was the definition of my college experience. A conservative republican who was also talking about Gender Equality and ending Toxic Masculinity?!

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