It makes me saaaaad when the weekend is oveeeeer. . . . in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • Feb. 17, 2014, 12:22 a.m.
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Every weekend seems to go faster. Bleagh.

It's the Winter Olympics! Yay! Like the normal Olympics, but instead of not caring about people running and jumping and doing that weird thing with the posh horses, I get to still not care about people sliding around on tea trays, pretending that ice-dancing is a sport and hitting each other with hockey sticks.

Yah. Never been a big fan of jumping on board the athletics train just because it's the Olympics. Miserable get that I am.

We're now half way through February. That's six weeks into the New Year diet. I have done stupid amounts of exercise and stupid amounts of calorie reduction for six weeks and . . . what do you know, it kind of works. Science n'all that. I am down 10lbs or so, which says a lot about how badly I'd let things slip, since I still have a good 7lbs or so to go.

I think it must have been the cake. It's always the cake. I hate the cake for what it does to me, and I cannot wait to be done with the diet so that I can get back to hating the cake in person, since it's hardly fair to hate the cake without giving it a fair chance to prove me wrong.


Another week at work to come. . . . I have spent the last week or so in the build phase of some nice reporting and this week we have user testing, which is a technical term meaning 'people deciding that what they asked you to build isn't what they actually wanted so could you please change it all now please.'

Customers. Can't live with them, can't replace them all with llamas.

Awwwwwwwww. Llamas.

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