Dishwasher broke, community garden,trying fix finances in Misadventures of West Virginia Woman

  • Feb. 17, 2019, 6:31 p.m.
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The dishwasher died today. It was midcycle when i started smoking. I turned it off told Talan i cant afford a new dishwasher that we will have to handwash our dishes. I washed some dishes to start dinner to leave some left for him. He washed 2 or 3 pans spilled soapy water on his clothes lost him temper and stomped off. He demanded to know why i cant afford a new dishwasher. I pouted confessing i only got $145 from this paycheck and i spent part of it trying to get cleaning supplies. I felt horrible i couldnt afford to repair on the dish washer or the heat pump for our mobile home. My husbands first check hasnt came in yet from his new job. My 16 hours a week from Dollar General isnt paying the bills. We have so many bills unpaid!

My background check isnt back from Ollies Outlet yet so i am not working there yet but should be sometime next week. I hope i might get better hours there to help my husband pay the bills. I am going to ride 2 week notice out with Dollar General so i might have an opportunity of being rehired.

I talked to my mom about growing a garden at her house. I wanted a garden that could help feed mom, me, Talan, my brother Tommy and his wife Lesa during the summer. My friends asked if they help could they reap the benefits. Mom likes the idea my friends being involved and offered to teach me how to can and freeze the extras. I think this is a wonderful opportunity to teach my friends how to grow a garden. Is it sad i am excited by this idea? Teaches my friends and family skills beneficial. I would love to save money on food by growing our own.

I still havent gave up on the idea of flipping a cheap run down house/mobile home to find a place to own instead paying rent at mobile home park. It is just currently on back burner due to financial reasons. My rent at the mobile home park of $260 and we pay utilities. That is a good deal considering prices of other rentals in our area. After Talan starts getting regular paychecks we wont struggle as much!

I think this summer i am going try to sale at flea market see if i can make a bit of extra money. If the garden goes well i might get a scale sell vegetables. Food taste so much different out of a garden instead professionally grown. I love farmers markets.

I have big dreams for being so damn poor. With Talan and i working together surely things will get better!

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