ranty stupid a bit in Second 1st

  • Feb. 13, 2019, 10:10 p.m.
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I slept in way too late to be productive this morning. Rocky was up before Sammy was. Sammy opted out of school today I guess and came out to get something to eat about 10:30. He asked me if the dishes in the dishwasher were clean then just took out one thing he wanted. Which bothers me because the cupboards aren’t empty and he didn’t put away anything..... I got up and kinda complained about it said the same things i do every time “It bothers me when you guys do that but it’s not like you put them away right so it doesn’t really matter.” Rocky got up from the table and .... well I thought he’d gone to the bathroom. I didn’t really think anything of it. Until i started getting ready to leave for my appointment and saw that he had laid back down. I was all WTF are you doing? i can’t drive myself. Then he said you were bitchin’ about something so I went back to bed. I went off. I said one line about one thing I ALWAYS saw “Yeah I know that’s the problem” “It’s called nagging Rocky and I wouldn’t have to do it at all if people would change their behavior. I hate doing it” .......

The ride up to the docs was silent.....

I thought to call to make sure my appointment was at 1:15 but they were out to lunch till 1. Annoying. I didn’t recall getting a confirmation call like normal but I have trouble remembering a ton of things so..... well we were on our way anyways and I wasn’t going to mention it.

When we got there, instead of double checking the board for what suite the doc was in Rocky hopped in the first elevator going up. Then, asked me what floor it was on. When I said I wasn’t sure he hit a random #..... we got off on 8 looked at that board, got back in the elevator and I said “I think it’s on 4, you didn’t give me any time to check the board or think about it when we got in last time” It was on 4 btw I double checked the boards when we got out.

Get to the little self sign in tablets they have and the darn thing says I don’t have an appointment. 12:45 so no one was there for another 15 mins. We decided to just call .... then decided on Taco Bell for lunch. I called from there and discovered when I canceled the major surgery they cancelled the follow up too. Even though I would need a follow up for the less evasive surgery I had...... sigh

I now have a follow up next week at 2:00 (Wednesday)

We are home now. Sammy is still here, which wierds me out a bit because usually if he stays home he goes and hangs out with friends. Also, he’s not up and moving around so I doubt he’s going to work either (it’s just after 3 and he’d be going to work at 4… or 5).

I don’t particularly like when he stays home. It’s a mixture of things that bother me..... like… 1) does his school or his scholarships not require attendance as part of his grad? Cause I would swear he lays out of at least one class a week. 2) When he does he usually ends up going out anyways either to go out with friends or staying out late is why he managed to not go to school. Rocky said at midnight last night Sammy still wasn’t home. 3) He’s home and still doesn’t do anything he “never has time” to do. It just bothers me as a person.

Anyways, Rocky just left with Eddie to go check out the pallet stuff.... I’m hopeful so we will see. I told him to text me if he buys something so I know what to expect when he gets home.

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