Embracing toddlerhood. in A Life Uncommon

  • Feb. 16, 2014, 1:02 p.m.
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My sweet Gavin is barreling toward 18 months, and I am hugely in denial that my BABY could possibly be halfway to two years old. But it's true, and no denying it. He has hit the developmental "rush", where almost instantly he has blossomed into a full on toddler and not the baby I still see him as.

G's vocabulary has almost tripled in the last month! In addition, his understanding has increased and he's answering with appropriate answers and sometimes two-word-strings. He now initiates self-play, and can occupy himself for more than 30 seconds. Sometimes this isn't a good thing, though, because toddlers.

Most notably, he has been showing some interest in the potty for a little bit now, but in the last two weeks has made it pretty obvious that if I actually took the time to help him, he could be nearly diaper free. He even pooped on the potty with zero prompting. I don't know......I am speechless. After two boys who at age three still refused to poop on the potty, I am shocked to have a small toddler telling me he has to pee/poop/potty and then ACTUALLY GOING.

I'm in denial because 1) my baaaaaaby and 2) my diiiiaaapers. What will I drool over if not diapers?!

Joshua has been "invited" to the preschool this upcoming school year, as he meets all the qualifiers minus being completely PT (he is if he's naked....probably should work on that?). I'm not overly sure we are going to send him though, for a few reasons. The first is that despite my complaints, the littles are hitting a really fun age. And I'm really liking the way it feels. Selfish? Kinda.

Additionally, because he was the only one at home for awhile (and also my genetics? Teehee) he is really smart. Parental bragging ahead, but the kid knows his letters completely, recognizes numbers up to 15, counts to 20 without prompting or guidance, knows and recognizes colors and shapes (his favorites are oval and trapezoid - so not kidding). That's not to say he isn't a normal, emotionally driven toddler who melts down over shit like "first dinner, then chocolate". Just saying I'm not really sure what preschool would do for him outside of social skills, because frankly he has mastered everything Nicholaus learned in preschool except handwriting. Oh, maybe that is where ill start next.

It's been awhile since ive had toddlers and chaos, I forgot how awesome it could be too!

Deleted user February 16, 2014

maybe he'd benefit home schooling more if hes upto scratch and well beyound his peers he will just get bored in as he already knows what there learning x

Soulslulluby February 17, 2014

I don't want to think of Gavin being closer to two than one!

Domino April 17, 2014


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