other stuff. in 2018
- Jan. 31, 2019, 5:22 p.m.
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um..........so like i said i’ve been thinking about the concussion i got a little over a yr. ago. like. maybe it’s my anxiety. but esp. back then when I was recovering I had trouble remembering people by name. yeah back in. like last feb. i think it was we all went out to dinner w/ my aunt. so in my phone under my contacts i have her listed as ‘aunt cindy. cat lady’ cause she likes cays. as opposed to just ‘aunt cindy’ cause that doesn’t mean much to me. i won’t really........remember people just. by their names i have to remember something. about them. anyone else like this? No i’m asking.
yeah i mentioned the pain. every day [no. literally every day for wks.] I would wake up w/ a headache. and i had 2 thunderclaps. they were awful. they don’t last that long but holy crap they’re intense. i haven’t had any since thank god.
my shoulder still hurt..............after more then 7 months. yeah evidently i. sprained the hell out of my shoulder when i fell. [shouldn’t you like. do something about that?] yeah i should but i won’t. other then here no one knows. well i won’t do much about it rather. other then drinking.
yeah it’s funny. yesterday we had the fire drill/safety thing. and one of the questions the lady asked was ‘what would you do. if you had an accident?’ the answer. isn’t the point. you don’t know how close to the truth you are. cause that’s what it, a concussion, is sometimes known as. an accident. like well fuk.
yeah I still have movement problems. and some days, it’s worse then others. oh. right yeah that’s why i don’t like crossing the st. w/ random people. bc again. my brain cannot process movement that well.
right so onto. my pajama pants well i’ve had them for at least 6 yrs. well............i recently sewed the seams. like took them in [sorry, i really don’t know how else to describe it] bc. for the longest time. the looseness of the pants has been bothering me. like yeah no. i’m so glad i did that.
oh yeah so i’ve been taking my dual vit. thingy. well. every couple days every other day. i take it Sun., Mon. and then Wed. so. i mean it’s not every day but i haven’t not. been taking it.
so. far as i know oh. my medical records from Rose haven’t been sent yo my mom’s. We gave the people untill feb. 2nd. which. idinno it’s weird, that they haven’t been. it closed on........dec. 28th so a lot. and i mean a lot. of people wanted their records. so i might not get them.
oh yeah so on my visit to d r. e arp’s the 14th. i corrected shannon her assistant person on the flu shot thing. so it’s in their records that i have in fact gotten a flu shot. so that’s a nonissue now. and i don’t need more amoxycillin.
no actually i was wrong. dr. earp, wasn’t the one who tested for cancer. sorry my bad. no that was dr. i the guy who i thought was an endodontist who apparently isn’t. but the day i saw him. that had been a long day. so i think i got confused. but no don’t have cancer.
so. Sprite’s amazing. not like ‘oh this tastes so amazing’. no but i mean. for the shortage of hangovers. yeah i remembered that. back when i had my own apt. when i was hungover i’d go to the store and get cherry sprite. so recently. i picked up a couple - a few bottles of it from the store. the big ones. bottles i mean. and i drink. a lot for those who don’t know. so now as of late whenever i drink i have cherry sprite every few hrs. [well actually it’s 7up i just refer to it as sprite. and other then the ingredients there’s not much difference.].
i’ve not heard from evan. which. i was starting to get worried but then. nov. 23rd or around that time um...........Muriel got at me on fb and told me evan had stopped by that night. she knew i’d been out of town but still figured i’d want to know. it was. some of the best news i’d heard in. awhile. if i don’t hear from him evan by april then i’ll get at muriel.
i’ve been reading at my mom’s as usual. um. yeah i read a book on racism and white supremacy called ‘small great things’ by jodi piccoult. i’d recommend it. not bc it’s like. a lovely enjoyable book or w/e but bc people should. read it. i was, uncomfortable reading some of it. and now i’m reading one about abortion and a hostage sitatuion by her called.........’a spark of light’. but her books. are unexpectedly funny. which has me thinking about my own feelings on abortion.
so my mom’s next show. they’re her choir. is having one in honor of the Stonewall riots. which i recently like within the last yr. or so. learned about yeah they happened june 1969. It was. terrible it’s terrible the way LGBTQ people have been treated over time. the holocaust [cause it’s not just jewish people who were targeted], stonewall riots, brandon teena, the fl nightclub shooting in une 2016. yeah..........wow. i like that they’re having a tribute to it but it’s sad it, the riots even happened. and this is a comm. i belong to the. LGBTQ one. i’m going. well. of course i’m going. yeah at their last show which was um. Sat. it felt so good to be w/ my people. my comm. cause a lot of the ladies in her choir are lesbians which ok i’m not i’m bisexual. really i don’t care. but the point is. it again. is a comm. i, and them, belong to. like yes. so much yes right there.
right so like i said for the holidays i got itunes. and one of the movies i rented actually. was Stonewall. it was interesting. i also watched ‘coal miner’s daughter’ and this movie called Frankie & Alice w/ halle berry which i’ve been wanting to see for awhile. i liked it it was interesting. i um. it ended well.
um..............oh i also watched part of a doc. on freddie mercury. yeah i’m into him right now have been ever since i saw bohemian rhapsody which. i’ve mentioned, i saw it but not what i thought of it.
oh i taught my sister about bi-cycles the other day. sat. no not bicycles the method of transportation. no bi, as in ‘bye’ and then cycles. yeah she thought freddie mercury was gay. well no............and a lot of people think that. he was bisexual but his bi-cycle switched. i don’t really know, how to describe a bi-cycle, exactly. but it’s what happens when a person’s bisexual and they like someone of the opp. sex and then that. switches. i mean ok yes so he was gay.............and then that switched. but anyway. i liked bohemian rhapsody. omygod that movie. i forgot what else i rented.
oh right so. During intermission at my mom’s show we. talked to Tofer. Now Tofer, is a member of the choir and he. used to be Barb yes so ftm. we talked to.............him. about learning ASL well my sister did. and apparently it takes a long time to learn. cause there’s grammar to learn and other things. yeah Tofer, is the ASL translator for the shows. so expressive. when we were sitting there talking. and listening to............him. i was v. a ware of the fact that she was now he. i didn’t say anything about it though nor would i.
oh! omygod! so. right over the holidays. i um. well i was in line at starbucks and this guy in front of me got something for ‘her’ only. at the time I thought the woman in question was his girlfriend. well it turned out to be his mom. cause she’s [or she was anyway] having a hard time lately. yeah I was listening to him and the cashier talk about this and then. when we were both done ordering I went up to him and told him how thoughtful that was. and i’m..........’yeah moms are great............well my mom is. and over the holidays........the holidays are hard on a lot of people’. and he thought that was nice. that i’d done that. he was hispanic or latinos as they’re called now. his mom’s name is maria. i’ll remember you miss maria. you got a good son. and if she’s anything like him then. good lady. he was about 16 i think.
oh yeah so i’d mentioned i’d gotten choc. well. sometime before the holidays i got this choc. stuff from my dad. from uh. iceland. and it has mari marzipan in it. the other day i had a bit and it is just. tee terrible very bad. turns out. i don’t like marzipan. but some people do.
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