Oh Fuck This! in Hello

  • Jan. 24, 2019, 1:16 p.m.
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TMI ahead, you’ve been warned.

Since Monday I’ve been rocking a super painful hemorrhoid. Been using Prep H and Tucks pads. This has caused so much discomfort ugh!!! It’s getting manageable, though

Well…today I wake up two hours before my alarm goes off and that same spot on my back from two weeks ago is shootimg pain all over as I’m laying on my side. I roll over to my other side to try and get comfy to fall back asleep and no, it ain’t happening. I drag out of bed and go straight to the recliner with the heating pad.

So now not only do I have a literal pain in my ass, my lower back is giving me the middle finger, too.

I’d kill for some opioid pain pills right now.

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