yesterday, what actually happened in Second 1st

  • Jan. 21, 2019, 6:28 a.m.
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I wasn’t feeling well so I ended up cancelling with Krystal. I managed to get enough life together for the trip out to meet a guy who never showed. That was great. Lesson learned though I guess. I’m just gonna have to be mean and not sell anything to anyone unless it’s shipped or at the store on the corner.

Krystal did not find a D&D players handbook :(. Meaning we won’t have a physical copy Wednesday. Rocky suggested calling all the Used book stores and Comic/game shops in town but no one has any 3.5 edition handbooks :(.

I had looked online yesterday for tips on how to get the crayon out and came across one that seemed right when I read it so I gave it a shot. 1) boil water 2) put cloths in washer and put boiling water in 3) add detergent 4) 1/2 vinegar 5) 5 tablespoons dish soap 6) soak 15 mins 7 wash and dry as normal. I made Sammy look when it was over… They were fixed! :) all but one shirt and he said that one was already ruined being as it was a pink button up that had a black pen explode in the pocket. I was so very proud of myself.

I didn’t get to look through any regular household stuff.... and I think I’m going to put it off awhile. Maybe we will get to some of it, Rocky’s off the next 4 days so the house is going to end up looking like a hurricane struck it. Then I’ll have to clean that up before I surgery.

I did not get to make spaghetti sauce. Might today.....

Got a call around 1 Kerri asking if she could come over. I told her yes then spent a couple moments telling Krystal I regret not going with her (we wouldn’t have been back by then). It didn’t go as bad as I thought though. I hadn’t noticed if she’d been drinking.... she didn’t get here until after Rocky got home. It was stupid because it was like 10 mins before she knew he was here, then she got all excited. She smoked, ate some Taco Bell she had gotten on the way over, then smoked again. She was a tad upset when she came back in and laid on the couch watching Rocky play video games. Then she napped. Rocky said she had been drunk.... but I’ve seen drunk Kerri and I don’t think she was, no doubt she was but I hadn’t offered a DRINK with her tacos so..... well I guess that’s why she decided to lay down instead.

I did clean the Pantry cupboard yesterday. Putting all the things I can’t have in the same place and all the things Sammy asked for in the same place.... and all the things I have bought for myself in the same place.... you get the idea. There were a few out of date things :( and a couple open backs of stale chips..... so I’m glad I finally got to it.

I told Kerri Yesterday that I will do the Spaghetti for Tuesday night because when i told her I stopped by Kroger on the way home from the no show guy to pick up onion and mushrooms to make sauce with her jaw dropped and told Rocky he was spoiled. So, I’m going to do that and just to not ruin it for her I’m going to also do meatballs.... that way she can have a meat free dinner and the guys can still get their meat on!

I’m not planning anything for today. Who knows when Rocky will get up.... and I don’t feel so well. I hope to work on the meat balls.... or sauce… either can be made ahead… if not both which would be nice. If the woozy doesn’t let up it won’t be touched till tomorrow.

Oh yeah! After Joseph came to get Kerri he called Rocky on his way home. One of them found a louse on them. Rocky freaked out and ran to the store to get stuff. Sprayed down the couch, and the floor in the kitchen, then put all the pillows and his hat that Kerri had put on in the wash. So now, I get to worry about that every time they are over? God I hope not. OR! We get lice and I finally get the short hair cut I want.... I mean you have to find the positive right? Rocky seems to think it’s just because Joseph and Blaine work at Good Will where things come in like that all the time and being as they found it today it was probably from today. Still he took all the precautions I guess. Seriously, with all the trauma my family went through with that as a child. I would be devastated. My cousins lived in a trailer park and got it like once every 6 months or so. .... and then we did.... I had at least one horrible boys bowl cut that ended up in school pictures :( because Mom couldn’t get the eggs from my waist long hair. I cried so hard and I would probably still do that .... almost more so to cover up that I would like short hair now. The only bad thing about short hair would be growing it back out.

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