A more mobile-friendly Prosebox in Site Updates (Josh)

  • Dec. 14, 2018, 7:34 p.m.
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Hey everyone,

Whoa, two site updates in a week! PB’s on fire!

If you’re writing a new entry or creating a new book, you might notice that the design of the privacy settings has changed a bit:

I changed this for a couple of reasons. Mobile usage is really high lately and continues to trend upward, and I want to make that experience better across the board. It turns out radio buttons are super annoying to use on mobile, so bye! As an added bonus, buttons are easier to read and interact with, especially for our older users. Accessibility is really important to me and I want to improve the site on that front as well.

There are a few other changes like this in the pipeline, as I think it’s really important to cater to our mobile users. Can’t wait for writing on PB to be as easy on mobile as it is on a computer!

I feel like Mochi is on board too


Last updated December 15, 2018

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