Why do we write here? in These titles mean nothing.
- Feb. 11, 2014, 11:17 a.m.
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Here being on line in a diary form.
I'd like to know your feelings, thoughts, etc.
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Darcy0207 from OD ⋅ February 11, 2014
I have few friends. In NYC - one I see regularly, another RARELY; in CA - one I see a lot when I am there (rarely lately), another I see once or twice when I am there (but we communicate on line).
Now that I no longer work, I have no one to "talk" with aside from on-line. I also like when people follow my book reviews, movie reviews.
Silent Echo/Quiet Storm ⋅ February 11, 2014
why do i write here? i didn't have time to write when i worked. since i stopped working and was taking care of blake as he grew up over the past 14 years, i had very little contact with people face to face. so, i have my people contact here online. i have 'friends' in other countries and all over this country. i can see how other people live and the things they do and the different weather they have. it fills my days. i get to write my thoughts, feelings, and whatever else i want to say and people actually read it and comment on what i've written! that to me is the interesting part. my life isn't interesting but people actually read what i write and comment on it! i never would have thought that would have happened! this is my way of meeting people and getting feedback. the connection is what's most important. take care,
woman in the moon Silent Echo/Quiet Storm ⋅ February 12, 2014
Thank you for writing here. It is a big world and we are fortunate to be in contact with each other.
Beret ⋅ February 11, 2014
I have no idea why I write. I've read books, i.e., diaries, of women from about mid-1850s to 1900. Just diaries of their everyday life and found them really interesting. I wondered what someone would think of reading about my day to day life way out in the future. I was thinking of descendants mostly. What would they think? I would love to read a diary written by my 3rd great-grandmother as she sent 6 of her 7 sons to the Civil War. But my reasons for reading have nothing to do with your question. I like connecting with others here and reading about their lives. So I guess I write too. Not really for anyone else. But I like being able to go back and see what I was doing at a particular point in time. Which of course can all be done the good old-fashioned way, with pen and paper and much more private.
In other words, I have no idea why I write here in an online forum.
LeadingTarget ⋅ February 11, 2014
To remember things and to try and make sense of them, dreaming but in the format of prose. At least to begin with. I think OD morphed into a social network fairly quickly, and then the experience became a big part of writing, the interaction and support
NorthernSeeker ⋅ February 11, 2014
I'm not sure I can answer that question anymore. I write here because it is something I do.
thesunnyabyss ⋅ February 11, 2014
I started to as a way to release the feelings and emotions surrounding my mother's death, I continue because of you and all the other people I've been fortunate enough to befriend, have a good day!
Deleted user ⋅ February 11, 2014
I thought at first it said 'write on a dairy farm' but then realized it said 'diary form' ... hehe
I write because it's a way to organize my thoughts, make more space in my brain. I write because I like to share what's going on with my relationship, my life goals, etc., and don't like to keep bringing stuff like that with others. Here nothing is too silly, too personal, too trivial, because it's our diary, and then there's that little pleasant satisfaction that comes when others actually are interested! I think reading here gives me as much pleasure if not more than writing. I really care about the lives of those I've befriended here.
How about you, why do you write?
Gangleri ⋅ February 11, 2014
Throwing a light out into the darkness and seeing what's there. Or something equally dramatic.
Florentine ⋅ February 11, 2014
I think, that at this point, it's familiar and comforting.
I started writing online around the age of 18 when I was much more narcissistic and enjoyed displaying my life for others to see (and comment on). But over time, I've tightened security on my online journals and preferred to write where only small community of people can read. Even still, I keep many of my cars close to my chest and avoid writing about a good many things about my life.
But if journal writing is a stand-in for therapy, then journal writing online is a stand-in for group therapy, right. :)
I think we all get something from writing things down and organizing our thoughts, and still more from the support and honesty others show us when we do so.
Florentine ⋅ February 11, 2014
*many of my cards
noko ⋅ February 11, 2014
I enjoy it. :) Serious fun for me putting little groups of words together with a photo I have taken. It is my craft. I don't knit or scrapbook, I read and write and take pictures. Over the years the connection to others all around the world has become more important. There was a real change in how I felt about that when Mr. Finch got ill and I didn't have time to have any sort of social life. Knowing you all were out there actually thinking about us touched me deeply and helped me make it through.
Deleted user ⋅ February 11, 2014
Because I have to write. And if no one will read it, I won't write.
Because it actually messes up my head if I don't write for a long time. Writing isn't therapy for me; it's more like tossing something out of my head so it can stop obsessively chasing itself round and round in my head.
Because writing in a spiral-bound notebook is no good for me. If no one can read what I write, I will scribble instead of writing. Having someone read what you write changes the game: you're communicating instead of scribbling. And writing is useless if it isn't communication.
Because it's fun to get notes about what I've written.
woman in the moon Deleted user ⋅ February 12, 2014
I like being read too. It makes me more real.
RoseS ⋅ February 11, 2014
You are the champion at getting notes longer than your entries!
I'm a cross between noko and G. It is play for me, but it is also necessary. Words are important to me. Putting them together for others validates me. Writing lets me "participate" in life without having to be in the spotlight. And I LIKE the people i read here :)
Duke ⋅ February 12, 2014
For me the reason I write here (here being OD, PB or whatever comes next) is simply a matter of being an adrenaline junky and not having the discipline to journal without the feedback.
Neogy Titwhistle ⋅ February 12, 2014
I think it has to do with knowing that the words are out there, for somebody to try to make sense of them. And being able to read of others lives.
aglow ⋅ February 12, 2014
It's where it all comes to make sense for me, when I'm writing about the less bright stuff; it's where I keep the good stuff to look back on and bask in, and to take extra time to be grateful for it.
Brakeshoe Bob ⋅ February 20, 2014
I hated writing when I was in school. I guess I write now, to remember my thoughts. Since retired, I try to communicate in my terribly fragmented style. Its fun, stimulates the brain