That dream... in Second 1st

  • Dec. 3, 2018, 3:07 p.m.
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See i’m horrible at daily :(. Whatever.....

i don’t know if I mentioned it.... don’t know why I wouldn’t but.... I’m getting a hearing aid this week. I’m honestly excited. I can’t do anything about the hearing loss (something like 37% now) in my right ear. I do have full intention of taking advantage of the hearing I do have to it’s full capacity. The hearing aid I’m getting has bluetooth and Ive signed up for Spotify. I’ve also talked to my boss about getting a phone pass because I”ll need it to control the volume on my phone through an app. I’m also going to have them mention the tinnitus combating music available in app in the letter I’ll need them to write. I thought it was Tuesday but it was the 5th.... which is Wednesday. I’ll call them this morning to clarify.

At Rocky’s work they get a certificate for 25% off on one purchase for working Black Friday (as if they get a choice). We ended up spending $440 bucks and could have spent more had we put more time into it. We were both tired. We had a FULL cart .... don’t think I’d ever done that before honestly. We bought another space heater and corner rack for the shower … a piece that goes in a drawer to fix an issue I’ve been having the whole time we’ve had this house now. So i’m going to make a list of the small projects we need to get done .... like we have ALL the things to do them we just haven’t done them.

Sammy layed out last night.... I never know where he is I just know he’s not here. Rocky was up when I got home and decided that after I got home was the time to write a note on the board about Sammy not cleaning up after himself. Sammy had apparently made some cinnamon sugar and put it on some toast.... he left the bread out and open, the lid off the sugar, and did not put a lid on what was left of the mix he had made. ..... i was hopeful Sammy would see it this morning so I can put the list of to dos on the white board.

So, what to do today. It’s already way later than I would want it to be when I write this. Got up just before 5 and my computer had somehow froze at 1:45.... It’s never frozen before.... and I wonder if that had anything to do with the dream I had. I know it sounds to people who don’t believe .... and maybe to those who do but i was visited last night. Not only by Jessica (a frequent visitor, a cousin who was murdered at 18) but by both aunts that died recently.

You can skip this if you aren’t interested in the dream:
The dream started with me IN my Uncle Gary’s house. He was walking my Aunt Wendy up the front walk. I had just walked in and was wondering why the steps were so small (not in width but in distance upward per step) then i watched my aunt hobble up them. When she got close to the door she hiked her leg up to skip the last 4 and I took her arm and pulled her up. I hugged her and told her I was glad to see her. We sat her in her chair in the living room and everyone was there. Aunts and Uncles, cousins and their children I had never met. My dad walked through and said we were all going to some game place where you can make money playing games. That we were to load up and get going. I volunteered to round everyone up. Jessica passed me headed out the door. “See you in a bit.” Moments later Aunt Vic (short for Victoria) came up to me. I thanked her for taking us to the lake when we were young. I swear she would do it at least once a month in the summer. Told her I knew (she had 3 abortions when we had been going to the lake) and I understood (she was also in school to be a radiologist and raped one of those times) and that I still loved her. She went out to the vehicles.... I searched the house. Each room had people in it.... but the house had 5 floors. On the 4th floor I found a room of sleeping people. i woke them and they started watching TV but did not want to go. They told me that Rocky let them stay there. I told them the house would be pretty empty for a few hours and that they should go back to sleep. The last 2 floors were in the roof of the house .... the 5th being in the peak. after going through the 4th floor I had 2 babies without family. I went all the way back down almost dropping one. Giving them to MY Aunt to take with them. Back to the 5th floor through a hidden entrance in the 4th. There was a room full of college students only 2 wanted to go. It was like a small movie theater. Somehow I thought it looked like the basement.... though I hadn’t previously even thought of a basement. Back to leaving I raced out side to catch a lift and the caravan that had been leaving was down to only a go cart that would carry 4 with 2 already in it.... my sister came up behind me and I helped her into the last spot and someone else took the other. My sister was not how she is not but she was sunburned to the point of being painfully stiff. lol

It’s odd in itself that I still remember details 4 hours later.... after reading all 21 of the friend entries.... after working internet stuff for a bit too..... that’s how it’s almost 9 and I’m not where I want to be.

Today: laundry, dishes, make rolls, make pickles, fix that drawer, figure out what to make with some pork chops Rocky decided he wanted, finish a section I pulled last week on LAX, swap space heaters with the one now in Sammy’s room (while he’s not home would be a good idea (stop avoiding getting shit done lazy ass)), build and place that shower shelf, make a list of small projects that we could do this week without spending anything (or much), start sorting the 3,000+ “favorite songs” into playlists so that I can test Spotify’s features Ïf you like this you may like that”so I can get some taste for to music? .... :).... (that will be a labor of love) ..... Grab those Justin’s 9,11,1,3,5,7..... wake Rocky just before 1 cause he’s working a night shift tonight.... and IF I manage all that..... watch some of The 100 on Netflix.... I was watching in on a most likely illegal app that no longer works. So I’m in like season 4 of 6.... I’d like to finish it.

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