bruising. communication. antibiotics. in 2018
- Nov. 20, 2018, 12:47 p.m.
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so. i forgot to mention that i have slight bruising on. where the lady..........Shannon yes Shannon. from where she did the blood draw. she was better then the guy 3 yrs. ago when i got my blood drawn at Megan’s. again my dr. megan/mary.
so i’m not great at communication. [no really? yes i’m really not.]. and um....... [i just took meds 20 mins. ago so um. not quite all there]. but. i’m net better, at it then i used to be. but is anyone really? all that great at it.
i just. well. no i didn’t talk to my dentist Dr. L about antibiotics. i didn’t even think of it. at the time. and she. didn’t bring it up. i felt like. she should’ve done better w/ that. and she didn’t. we all knew that was a problem. no right. cause she said, about my perio that she wanted me to see him. as soon as possible. are dentists not allowed to prescribe meds? no they are. and apparently there are um. guidelines. and a guideline to prescribing antibios is. pain. yeah but see. they didn’t even go through the symptom list w/ me. is that something that happens at the dentist’s? no i’m asking is it. [what’s really funny about this is that w/ me when it comes to a lot of things. i’ll wait. in fact most of the time i will. unless i’m cold.]. i don’t know how a symptom list would’ve helped considering. Holly told me ‘you have an abscess’. like do i need to explain science to those people? sorry. even though. w/ most things i won’t do, much about them in terms of pills/meds. i know that w/ infections a lot of people take antibios. and i’m not even a medical professional. yes ok. we’re missing the connecting step. the conjunction as it were. so in other words. she has an abscess > she gets the antibios sooner rather then later > talks it over w/ her mom, talks about the form she wants them in > starts taking them.
as said. I like Dr. L but really. i’m not sure this is such a good fit..........since apparently.
i’m not going to immediatly switch dentists. i’m going to wait for awhile talk it over w/ my mom see what she thinks. would i have wanted meds? well no. i don’t think that’s something a lot of people want exactly. it’s not a matter of having them. it’s a matter of not having gotten them quicker. this isn’t 1830 i’m probably not going to die from this. [well not now i’m not. which as i’ve said. i’m not afraid of dying. i’d just hate to do that to my mom. see it’s again the whole publicity of it.]. but the fact is. that was a possibility. maybe not a v. realistic one. but yeah it was one.
yeah sure same w/ not brushing. as much. but the only difference is that now. people are involved. see i’m the kindof person who unless something becomes a big problem and my back’s up against a fukin wall. i probably won’t mention something to a as i call it business type. like yeah i knew. i just hadn’t paid much attention. bc it hadn’t become real. it was oh some day. in the future well that time is now.
i’ve known about this honestly. well it’s now wk. 3 as it’s mon. so. yeah 3 wks. ago. i just didn’t say anything about it bc i thought this was something i could handle by myself. [although apparently. in places other then u.s. a person doesn’t need a prescrip. to get um. amoxicillin. right exactly.]. see we need that system here. for people like me. i hate asking for help and usually won’t. i’m one of those people who will either go up and down the aisles in the store or look at the directory thingy. but i won’t ask. and actually it bothers me when others do. they’re capable enough to find it themselves. i hate asking for help bc i feel like i’m less independent. [chick here btw.]. i hate being taken care of. by most people/my family. i hate that feeling. no it doesn’t feel good. [well it’s a good thing i’m on meds cause i’m a little bit stoned right now. very very slightly] no see if i’m stoned or drunk or w/e. or have been put under i don’t care. like it doesn’t bother me. [which is probably another reason for me to smoke weed.]. but clearly. what i was doing wasn’t enough.
and i had that time. sure i had my fillings done back in. sept. evidently. but no one prescr. antibios. and that’s. [or painkillers actually. and i didn’t ask that’s what ‘liquor’ ‘s for.]. what i liked about it. ya know. i had that time. to be independent and not ask for help. but that time. is not now. there really is a time for everything isn’t there? yes yes there is. even in nature there’s a time for everything. sometimes 3 seasons in one day for people who live in CO. coastal weather’s like that as well.
although..........and not that it feels this way. i’ve experienced side effects nearly every damn day since. Fri. oh right. i’m not the kindof person who unless it’s online. mentions when i don’t feel god. good. [or god actually cause i’m not religious. sorry.]. yes. bc of what i mentioned above. that i hate being taking care of. and being the center of attention. like if i’m in pain or nauseaus or w/e. i won’t bring it up to anyone offline. i deal w/ it. i manage. yes i’m the suffer in silence type. [yes but what if something was really wrong?] well. when i got the concussion back in jan. something was really wrong. but even then. i didn’t mention it to anyone offline. i’d make a helluva football player. [maybe not. i’ve just heard they’re the play through the pain type.].
and frankly i’m starting to um. get tired of this. like holy fuk when will taking them be over? i know when. i’m not actually asking. i’ve been taking them twice a day just like i’m supposed to. like an adult. [which i am so it sounds weird to announce it.]. [btw. no the bottle of the meds isn’t in my rm. a reason i asked for liquid vs. pills is cause uh. in the past i haven’t been so responsible w/ pills so. yeah i um. od’d a little over 5.5 yrs. ago. pills and wine. so.......yeah.]. this is one of the things and [not that i take meds regularly cause i don’t.]. other then now so rather. this is one of the things i didn’t like about the idea, of taking. is the person ‘has’ to keep. taking them. ya know it’s not like a person takes one. giant dose or w/e and that’s it for however long. although if that was possible. that might actually kill a person so. obvs. that wouldn’t be a good idea. they do chemo/radiation in rounds for a reason. and that’s why as i’ve recently read.
oh yeah. so i’ve read up on what the word ‘antibiotic’ actually means. cause i want to know stuff. so i can understand. and ‘bio’ means ‘life’ of course. like biology is the study of life. the etymology of it rather. it comes from the greek and the french. words for each. ‘biotic’ actually. means ‘relating to life’. and ‘anti’ means um. against which. i don’t see how there can be antipasta cause that’s like against pasta ya know? but ok. so it would be against. creating. life. so that. there wouldn’t be any more life in the infection. [well i should hope not.].
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