NoJoMo 12-15 in NoJoMo 2018

  • Nov. 15, 2018, 5:22 a.m.
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Which do you consider yourself to be: an immovable object or an irresistible force?

Neither. I am grey. Those are black and white. I am both a object able to be moved and a force that is resistible. Depends on the situation don’t you think?

What are you passionate about?

i live life in today and I don’t think much of the world outside my own. I know it’s not the best way to be but it’s the way I am for now. That being said I am passionate about finding foods I can eat on this stupid low sodium diet I have to have. By definition I am also passionate about Rocky currently. Still just filled with anger but passionate none the less.

You have the freedom to travel to any city or country in the world. Where would you go and why?

In Ireland there is a castle which belonged to my ancestors. Of course it is in ruins like many but I would love to visit the grounds. It’s on my bucket list but it’s below Germany. Where rocky says there is a castle every 45 mins down any road.

In 5 years, I will be… In 10 years, I will be

In 5 years I will be unable to work a regular job. I will likely be single by then and broke, barely living. In 10 years though I will have found some kind of viable income and be back on my feet. Probably still single but by choice. i mean this is if things keep going the way they are..... OR more likely....

In 5 I will be right here putting up with the same shit I always do. Probably still working because Rocky can’t seem to get a better paying job though I will be suffering everyday. In 10 I will be basically 85 years old because I can’t seem to not hurt doing anything. I’ll be exhausted. May even get fired for falling asleep at my job working 2 days a week.... or less because Rocky still can’t get a job that can take care of what we need done.

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