So Here's A Thing in Book Five: Working Through the Maze 2018
- Oct. 11, 2018, 1:02 p.m.
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Last night, I was tossing and turning something awful.
I dreamt that I was working for a Private Firm in Waterloo and the power went out. While the power was out, my glasses were knocked off my head. When the power came back on, it took me forever to find my glasses again and I wasn’t getting any work done with no sight. After I found my glasses, I checked the clock and it was 10 am. I left the office and found myself in the Waterloo Crossroads Mall. I was carrying a black cape in one hand and a large Polar Bear Stuffed Animal in the other. The cape fell from my hand and flew across the room, landing under a chair in the food court. The cape was under Tiffany 2’s chair and as I approach the table and move the empty chair at the table.... from a different table I hear one of her High School friends shout “Why are you sitting there?! You guys broke up, leave her alone!” In my head, I’m thinking “That was like… 14 years ago, leave it alone.” but out loud I say, “Just asking her to move so I can get my cape back.” After retrieving my cape, I walked the halls of Crossroad Mall, the giant Polar Bear feeling heavier by the moment. I take a wrong turn and end up in the streets. I approach a large metal structure on the ocean and explore. Apparently, I’m not supposed to as I hear the sole occupant of the structure on the phone concerned. I leave the metal structure and attempt to climb the large hill back to the street, but I can’t even get a few steps in. I start to panic. I drop the bear to see if I can crawl my way up. It doesn’t work and I feel terrible about dropping the bear for a failed idea. My vision fades. But the guy in the metal structure and the blond lady who was on the phone with him come to my aid. I ask them for directions back to the mall. The male is “trying to be funny” the whole time but it mostly comes off as unhelpful. His blond friend kept chastising him for his lame humor and scolding him for not being more helpful. He says that the mall is a few miles southwest of where we are now. I confess that I suck at cardinal directions. He points off and to my right. The blond woman shakes her head and points in the opposite direction, pulling out a map to show me. I thank them and leave. I get to the top of the hill, finally, and see that I am back on the UNI Campus. I start to think about the job I’m supposed to be at… the private law job… and practically shit my pants. I’m not there. I haven’t been there for a while. They are going to fire me. And if they fire me, I won’t be able to make payments on the house I just bought. I start freaking out to the absolute max and break into a dead sprint.
That is when I woke up. I woke up exhausted with a red face and a low grade fever. So I called in to work.
Always Laughing ⋅ October 13, 2018
Hope you feel better soon, I've bern sick most of the week.