Saturday in Just in Case

  • Feb. 8, 2014, 9:27 a.m.
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Thanks for the sweet support about my student. He was better yesterday, even smiled at me once. I'm thinking getting the "secret" out made his shoulders not stoop so much.
I have a dozen things on my to do list today and I haven't done a fact I haven't even gotten out of my flannel pjs yet, and that's a requirement for at least half of my list. I came in the bedroom with the intention of getting dressed and got distracted by my unread Icanhascheezburger emails. If you've never tried it out, you really should. Kid introduced me to it forever ago. I don't read the emails daily, but I always catch up. Just pure enterainment value. Sometimes squees of cuteness, sometimes chuckles, and sometimes outright laughs. I save the best ones and start each school day with 1 or 2 of them. The kids LOVE them. (Hmm...hopefully lol speak isn't affecting their spelling abilities! lol oops!) Ok, up to get work done....I have to admit, I typed in opendiary before I remembered. :( I'm glad several of my friends came here, but my heart still breaks for those who didn't, or couldn't....I felt a little silly for being so sad, but as a friend pointed out, we are really greiving. That takes a little time. I was there from '98, even though I removed those first few years a while back. That's 16 years of my life...almost my entire teaching career. All started from way back when. I'm grateful we have this place, but I miss od...I miss my fairy picture...I miss y'alls homes"....ok, enough....back to real life.... Had to share one, though, before I go:  photo bath_zps5a677323.jpg

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