Carvemynameonyourbackwithanicepick in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014
- Feb. 8, 2014, 2:39 a.m.
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No- I'm not in one of "those" moods- the title is merely a reference to both The Simpsons and to "Weird Al". During the parody of "Waterfalls" by TLC, Weird Al sings "Phony Calls" and uses a clip from The Simpsons where Bart calls Moe's Tavern and the following exchange occurs: (From the Simpson's Episode "Blood Feud" listed as 7F22)
MOE: Moe's Tavern, where the elite meet to drink
BART: Uh, yeah, hello. Is Mike there? Last name Rotch.
MOE: Hold on, I'll check. [calls out] Mike Rotch?! Mike Rotch?! Hey, has anybody seen Mike Rotch lately? [snickers from patrons][into phone] Listen to me you little puke. One of these days I'm going to catch you, and I'm going to carve my name on your back with an icepick.
It is still strange to me that you can simply respond to comments on this site as though it were some Social Website, lol. It will take me a while to remember that. Thank you all for the advice and support about the stressful week. I thiiiiiiiink... well, I'm just going to ask for help on some stuff. As for the volunteer work- my contact had to reschedule, so that works out. My legal organization stuff, I decided to delegate. OF course... if it still doesn't get done I'm going to feel like a heaping pile of dog excrement... but why should I be held to a higher sense of responsibility and obligation than the other people who ALSO are board members. Simply because I am the president does not require that all of the work and responsibility fall to me. As far as the Bar Process? Yeah... it has become a process. Even after I finish the application (which is getting ever and ever closer to completion) there is a long list of hoops and other crap. Fingerprinting being the least of my concerns. I have to get a bunch of papers notarized, have several affidavits sworn out about my desire to practice law; I have to submit an affidavit on my desire to practice law; I have to have 6 letters (signed, dated, notarized) suggesting to the State Bar Association that I am capable of ethically practicing law... the hoops are endless and I only have another 52 days to get all put together.
As to my scholastic obligations... hopefully, I can use my weekend intelligently. Lately, my weekends have... well... not been used intelligently. They've been used to sleep in... 'exercise some much built up frustrations'... and take a mental break from all the stress. This weekend? I have to get (at a minimum) all of my homework done on Saturday. That is the goal. If I can get as much as possible taken care of before Sunday... if/when things start to pile up during the new week, I'll at least have time and availability to take care of them.
Also- if I'm lucky and finish all of my work on Saturday... I can finally close out the OD portion on here. I promised to end the story of how I met my wife and it isn't quite done yet. So.. hopefully, that entry can be thrown up there this weekend as well.
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