Bisexual Discrimination (November 11, 2013) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 6, 2014, 10:56 p.m.
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I'm bisexual. I don't know if I have mentioned this before or not, but there it is.

I watched a Youtube video today and it got me thinking about how lesbians view bisexual women.

One thing that really gets to me about lesbians is that they think that bisexuals are "confused". Saying we are confused would mean that we were still questioning our sexuality, that we didn't know what we were attracted to. Um, I know exactly what I like and that is both men and women. That is what being bisexual is.

People seem to think that you can only like one or the other. They think that being a bisexual is only either experimenting or it is just a leeway into being full on gay. This is not the case! Bisexuality exists people! A person can in fact be attracted to both genders.

Another thing that gets me are the words that are associated with being bisexual. In the video the girl asked the lesbian women what words they used to describe bisexual women. The words are as follows: greedy, confused (of course), slutty, unfaithful.

Wow, I just couldn't believe this. We are not greedy. What the hell does that even mean? I guess they seem to think that since we are bisexual we need to be with a man and a woman at the same time. This just kills me. This is simply not the case. Same thing ties with us having the word promiscuous thrown at us. Just because we are bisexual that does not mean that we NEED to be with both genders. Bisexual people can be monogamous.

Now as for the unfaithful part it is bullshit too. What the hell is this now? Anyone can be unfaithful. I guess lesbians seem to think that if a bisexual dates them that they will get bored of their genitals and have to find some male ones. Um, we can leave you for another girl too, so what is the problem with cheating on you with a guy? Cheating is cheating no matter what gender you do it with. What's in your pants is inconsequential. Bisexuals don't have a NEED for both, they are just attracted to both. Again, bisexual people can be monogamous!

I just don't understand how lesbians after being hated and discriminated against for their own sexuality can possibly say these types of things. Isn't it the same thing? You are hating us for our sexuality. Just pure hypocrisy.

The LGBT community should not be judging each other. This is why the community is there in the first place, to get away from the judgement.

This just portrays how much bisexuality is misunderstood. Not just by lesbians, but by everyone.

Bisexuals love what is inside a person. We want to have relationships just like everyone else whether it be with a man or a woman.

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