Fall Break Escapades and Walks Home (October 23, 2013) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 6, 2014, 10:51 p.m.
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I have been doing pretty well lately.

I am in a calm state. It's nice.

Nothing much has been going on but I do have some things to mention that I thought were both funny and unfortunate.

During fall break last week I had a lot of fun. My best friend Laine came over and spent the whole time here at my apartment with me. I was so excited because it had been a while since I had spent any time with her. We went to Beale Street in memphis and went to a fantastic restaurant, and we went to a voodoo shop and bought mini voodoo dolls. Here we are on the street :)

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So yea Memphis was fun. However, something else happened over the break. My ex-boyfriend (who is still one of my best friends) came over and spent the night. He brought over some liquor for all three of us to drink. It was fun actually. We all laughed our asses off and got drunk together. Just a nice night in the house. However, later that night it got interesting. Now let me clarify I was pretty close to being shitfaced. Me and my ex started making out and we were getting really into it. We went to my room and before I knew it we were both naked and making out. Lets just say that a little more than that happened...we didn't have sex...but the word oral means a bit here. Yes, yes I know that being drunk doesn't justify these acts.

I don't really remember the specifics really. I remember passing out in the bed. I woke up hours later to him coughing next to me and before I knew it he fucking threw up in my bed! We both got up (still naked mind you) and stripped the sheets and went back to sleep. The whole experience didn't really bother me too much. We have an understood relationship. We both know that since we are both not in relationships that it is cool to fool around a little bit. Well anyway he left the next morning and Laine left two days later. I had fun overall. My sheets weren't ruined thank goodness.

Nothing much has happened since then. Just going to class, doing homework, and having fun with my roommates. I have a little bit of new information on the situation with my crush. About two weeks ago he started walking home with me. He does it every time we leave class. It is a 15 minute walk and I am in heaven the whole time. He is so funny and interesting...did I mention cute? He never comes inside though...he just drops me off and leaves. I hope he decides to come in one day. I really like him and would like to have a relationship with him. I am still wondering whether he likes me or not...I know I must seem clueless but I am not good at this sort of thing.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. I'm off to bed.

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