Change of Scenery (April 25, 2013) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 7, 2014, 4:23 a.m.
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Well tomorrow is the last day of classes. Next week is finals week and then I am done. I can go home. I am very happy about that. I am getting tired of looking at this town and this dorm. Not to mention the cafeteria food's not bad but I am just over it. Give me some lasagna, give me a porkchop, give me something else!

Little problem about going home though.

I was talking to my little sister Lea about a week ago and I told her that I am not going home to my mom. I am just so tired of the drama at home. I guess it is not as bad as before. Lea is better than she was before by a long shot, she has improved her attitude. But my mom is the same story. Don't get me wrong, she is a great mother but when she has a relationship problem she completely falls apart. When it comes to men she has the worst judgement. My step-dad now is okay I suppose. He has a good job and treats me and my mom with respect, but he and my mom fight all the time. So when he leaves because of a serious fight (this happens often and are usually my moms fault anyway because she is too sensitive) she just shuts down.

She gets drunk, cries, and mopes until he comes back. I find it pathetic and I just get so tired of caring about her relationships. I am going to distance myself from it. I am going to live with my older sister Andrea. We have a great relationship and we get along really well. She is going to help me get a job this summer so I can pay for my apartment when I come back to school.

The problem that I mentioned before is that I hurt my mom. She and Andrea don't have the best relationship. She takes it as a personal insult that I want to live with Andrea. I love my mom and I would do anything for her but it is time that I do something for myself. I am tired of picking my mom up when she is upset. I am tired of sympathizing with her stupid relationship problems. Problems that could be easily solved if the both of them would just be adults about the situations. My mom is just going to have to get over it and deal with her emotional state on her own. That probably sounds harsh but that is the way it has to be.

Anyway, I have a lot to do in the next week. Today I have to study for my math and history tests tomorrow, which will be a pain in the ass. This weekend I have to study for my finals and pack up all of my stuff. It is going to be a bitch trying to get all my posters and pictures off the walls without tearing them. *Note to self: Frame your posters.

It is going to be kind of sad leaving though. I love my roommates (excluding Allison) and I will miss them over the summer. We have planned to see each other and maybe go somewhere over the summer, but eh I don't see that happening because we all will be really busy with jobs and family and friends back home. Eh, I can live for three months though. When we come back we are all moving into the apartment together! Haha, I can just imagine the shit that is going to happen. Karla turns 21 so she can buy us some liquor and we can maybe have some small parties there with friends.

I am looking forward to the future.

...that is if everything goes as planned.

Please do!

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