Still hanging on, still hoping in Crossing over with SillySillySandee
- Feb. 5, 2014, 8:34 p.m.
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- Public
Miracles happen.
Or maybe Im just hanging onto something to tight.
I made a post for Bruce. It read...
Dear Bruce, I have resorted to begging.
No I haven't been here consistently in the past couple of years but OD has been mine and thousands of other peoples lives since you started it way back when. Our daily thoughts and feeling have been put down for the world to read and respond to and we have all made some amazing friendships.
Yes we have another place to go and a lot of us are friends on Facebook with our faves from here but having to move somewhere else is just not right.
Yes we know we can download our diaries and yes we can do it in PDF but what is an on line diary when you can't share it with the world? I have friends that followed me through my divorce, my cancer, my finding a new love, the return of my grand daughter and the death of my mother.
When this site goes down a lot of us will feel like we are dying.
Please change your mind. Please do something other than shut down. Find some way to keep us alive. PLEASE!
(and Im pretty sure I can say this)
Everyone one of us at Open Diary
I know Im just repeating everything that other people have said over and over again but I just couldn't help myself. I get more and more emotional over this every time I pull up OD. I just know that one day Im going to try and open the site and nothing. I will probably cry and cry hard.
The OD community meant so much to so many people.
So here I sit, still hanging on. Still hoping.
Stranger things have happened...... Right?
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