biphobia and prejudice. wow. time to deal w/ the reality. *LGBTQ in 2017. got it.
- May 10, 2018, 11:26 a.m.
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this is from the 24th:
‘ so, apparently. just learned this. biphobia is. a form of prejudice.
and, for some strange reason. bisexual females er women. are a lot more likely to be victims of it. we’re some of the members of the LGBTQ community the least likely to be taken seriously. ok again. i’m not choosing this and i actually can’t.
i remember......learning about prejudice in like fifth grade..... but that was.........i didn’t realise that also extended to. LGBTQ, people. um..........ok wow.
this is. kindof what civil rights are about. human rights not just civil. and going back to amnesty international.
thank god i’m not homophobic. [i’m not btw.].
in 1952 homosexuality was seen as a crime.
in 1978 Harvey Milk, the gay politican, was shot.
i kindof ignored the fact that this kindof thing existed. i thought the ‘60’s were over yrs. ago. but apparently not for some people. ‘
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