Good News...and Some Rude Guys! (November 3, 2012) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 5, 2014, 10:53 p.m.
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My friend called me today...his girlfriend got her period...she is not pregnant!

We were both just yelling "Fuck Yea" over the phone, so yea that was great news.

But , last night was the worst!

Okay so my roommate was meeting this guy today and she wanted me to go with her so I said sure. We go to this guys room and my roommate sat on his bed and started talking to him and then the guys roommate came over and started talking to me...after a few minutes...minutes! This guy is like rubbing on me and saying he wanted to get with me and I kept telling him no. He looked at me all pissed off and told his roommate, "Hey look bra, you need to get this girl outta here if she ain't down."

What the fuck! His roommate and my roommate looked at him and were like, "Shut the fuck up rude ass." I told him to go fuck off somewhere and he just scoffed at us and left the room. His roommate apologized for his roommate being rude to me and I said thank you.

I swear is it too much to ask for a guy who wants to get to know a girl? I guess least in my recent experiences.

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