It is Friday in A New Journey

  • May 4, 2018, 7:30 p.m.
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Well I woke up at 5 am when the alarm went off and wow I fell right back to sleep until my 6 am alarm woke me up and wow I was already late, Was supposed to be at my daughters at 6 am, flew out of bed and got dressed and took my dog Dakota to Cat house, I was like 25 min late, but Thank goodness their dad got them up, wow whats so hard for him to do that every day. Well once I got into the kitchen he was out the door. SO yeah my day started as me being late and I complained about them being late the other day. MY BAD!! I guess I was tired, my body must have wanted more sleep, I have been sleeping well and don’t know why I went back to sleep, I usually always get up but I was just laying there thinking what I needed to do for the day and wow next thing I hear is my alarm.
SO I got up really quick and get dressed and Dakota came with me as there was no time to take her out for her potty time, she went with me to Cat house. Well I was lucky to see the kids were getting dressed, their dad got them up for me as he knew I would be there. HE left for work and so my day goes on, got kids to school and I went to go visit my daughter at work and got me a large Blackberry Italian Soda with cream. Yummy!! Visited every one at the store then the manager game up to me and said, WE really need you to help us! We need you to work in the Flower department for the Mother’s Day Events, so I said sure NO problem, Ill be there!! So I will start next Tuesday and start doing orders for the Mother’s Day. I am looking forwards to doing this as I have always wanted to work with Flowers.
So then I had to head over back to my daughters house as they were having some contractors come and redo their steps, it was very squeaky and Brian was going crazy with the noise, it took them 2 1/2 hours to the repairs and put in new carpets down too by the kitchen area. While they were there I of course cleaned their house, did 4 loads of laundry, folded it all up for them too. As I was folding the cloths, I got a call from Dennis that he needed to talk to me, SO I told him to meet me at a coffee shop and I didn’t trust him at my house or his.
SO I left once the guys finished the work at Cat house and I met up with Dennis at Starbucks, he was telling me of an incident that happened to him and explained to me why he was the way he was the last 3 weeks, apparently he fell and hit his head on a concrete slap in his drive way and he had to go into ER and but he was telling me he was trying to refuse Ambulance services and he felt he was fine but the ER tech was saying NO he was not that he had a deep cut and he needed stitches, so he was taken against his will. ( AT this point I was getting a little skeptical about him), so yes he showed me his head and the stitches he got, then he proceeded to me about all the VA troubles he is having as he is a Vet, he been struggling with getting his Meds and also getting all his meds that was suppose to be on a 3 month home delivery. SO with all the chaos he been going thru I was concern for his well being at the same time. SO we talked a little longer about other stuff and I told him that lets get together tomorrow and talk some more and he said lets go for a long walk and go to lunch. I accepted and told him I also needed to go to my daughters later Saturday afternoon as I have to babysit the grand kids. He was a little upset, was hoping I would go spend the night, but I am not ready to go back to his house after the last incident. I want to take this slow again, and make sure he is in his right mind. I am sure he is but I need to go with my gut feelings!!
SO I left and had to go pick up Rocket at the high school and get him to work and my daughter got off work and took me home so Rocket can get home late tonight.
Once I got home Amber was in my apt as she walked home from school and she really BURNED some popcorn!! UGH I was like for real, now I need to get rid of this smell, but my balcony doors were open but I needed to get my candles going, SO I got my candles burning now and I am in my office trying to get this entry and feeling this nice warm breeze coming thru my windows, I am so ready for a warm weekend.
It will be near 80’s this weekend, I hope y’all have a great weekend, one more week til Mother’s Day~~

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