Well that was interesting... in 2018ish

  • April 29, 2018, 6:14 p.m.
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I left Him. Which is fine with me. Him decided it was okay to punch me in the face. I decided it wasnt and I left. The bruising and swelling have finally faded and gone away.

Ive talked to his best friend, who is an amazing person and also the person who made me God Mother to his child, which I still am. Thats MY baby. I dont care what anyone says, hes my little Chunkalunk. Hes been playing go between for me, which makes it all easier. I really appreciate that.

Its been about two weeks and while I do have a place to stay, Im itching to find some place to rent where I can have all my stuff. Not be sleeping on a mattress on my friends living room floor. Very nice of them to let me stay, and to understand what Im dealing with, but I cant stay forever. Nor do I want to stay forever. I want to keep them as friends. I feel for B tho, his gf is great, shes just....a lot to deal with day in and day out. She does certain things because she thinks B wants her to, like smoke and drink. When really he doesnt care. She is damn loud tho, but hey, cant complain too loudly, Im not homeless.

Tomorrow I go to storage and clean all my shit out. And move it into another unit until I can find a place to go. Him said if my shit wasnt out by the 1st that he’d take it to the dump. Asshole.

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